
At the risk of sounding like a complete rube, when you say Lou Reed you're talking about THE Lou Reed?

That coupled with the fact that PBR's recent ironic popularity amongst the cool kids had some bars charging WAY more than it's worth make this ranking absurd.

How was Metric? I've got quite a little crush on Emily Haines.

Perfect. One of those tracks where I can close my eyes and feel the breeze blowing through the open roof of the Jeep and faintly smell the blunt smoke in the air. (Hey, I was 20. Lay off me.)

Admittedly I don't watch a ton. I catch some BPL when they're on on Saturday mornings. I notice there's not nearly the flopping there that I see in international competition. Or is that just my imagination?

I'm not the biggest soccer fan but if there was more awesome hustle like this and less flailing and ankle grabbing I'm sure I'd change my tune. This was great.

In all seriousness, I didn't consider it stepping on his joke. But I see your point. No sarcasm here either.

I guess I have to spell it out.

Right back at ya.

Hey, thanks for coming! Judging by your comment I assumed you were new here. But then I read the litany of awful garbage you've posted before. Keep at it, it can't get much worse.

Yeah, I got it. You didn't.

Ended up going to West Chester, where your B.A.L. is usually higher than your GPA.

Oh, no. I'm an old bastard (33). I was scouted by F&M in the late 20th century.

Ah yes, Franklin & Marshall, the only school to show interest in a small, slow, white wide receiver from Reading.

Um so that's totally a fake account Doc would never say something like that you must be an idiot to believe that get a life.

Millersville? Just taking a shot.

Talk about your ironic screen names.

Well I guess the old saying is true: once you go black, realize he's ugly, and get herpes you only go black, realize he's ugly, and get herpes one more time.

I laughed +1