
Perhaps I've put too much thought into this, but here's what I do, because it's clearly the best way: once you've used your hand heat to start the melting process, you need to repeatedly squeeze the liquid up and around the remaining ice. This serves a dual purpose. One, the liquid helps to speed up the melting

Is there any other way? Gotta have that sugar-syrup chaser.

Is this yellow?

Is this yellow?

I read somewhere that it was because local building codes wouldn't allow a moat with a dragon.

He's also famous in Philly for using the phrase "no questions asked."

This really is ridiculous. It's as if in designing all of the unnecessary features of these ballparks they just overlooked the bullpens and then realized it at the last second.

Earhart Expressway is also the name given to the road I take women who will never be seen again.

There he is. The guy I hate today.

Look, I don't know what other online bowling channels you fucktards are checking out, but as Sandy pointed out, twice, Extra Frame is THE online bowling channel.

+1 you're the best.

That's the joke.

He was simply taking advantage of the Marlins "FREE WIFI TO THE FIRST ANY AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO COME TO VIEW THIS SHIT SHOW FOR FUCK'S SAKE" promotion. Albeit in the douchiest way possible.

I got into a heated argument at Citizens Bank Park because the attendant wouldn't sell me a Budweiser for $6 when the sign above her head said "Domestics - $6." This was 3 years ago. I'm still furious.

Nice comment, pretty boy.

He just missed him. By a nose.

In Soviet Russia, 50 Cent is Lenin his beats to YOU!

As an Eagles fan, I find this to be extra awesome. Except for the girl in the back who smiles when they tied it. That girl is an asshole.

So it's OK to take shits with the door open?

As a white male, I feel like I can say this without sounding racially insensitive: holy fuck white people have no business being in rap videos.