True, I see it there at the end.
True, I see it there at the end.
Yes! +1
Holy shit why did I only find out about this right now? Well, there goes my work productivity for the next two months.
Nice. +1
Couldn't agree more. There was a time when I looked forward to reading his stuff. Hell, my buddies and I would save all of his podcasts to play on the drive to our golf trip. Now he's just another douche.
Holy shit.
These new contacts aren't doing me any favors either.
According to one YouTube comment, which are clearly always factual and fair, the insult was "kidfucker," which actually makes a lot more sense.
Wait, is this true?
Bubba Watson was not pleased.
Dazed & Confused. Now go kick your own ass for having to ask.
I'm not a big soccer fan, but that looked pretty cool.
Isn't that bro the werewolf who never wears a shirt?
That was my initial reaction as well, but it seems as though the plastic cup cracked, causing the leaking. So I think this bro was trying to chug, but it just didn't work out so well.
I heard they also like biting one other.
Really needed to shoehorn that one in there, huh?
What exactly was the cameraman recording?
He'll still see game action for a Philly team sooner than Andrew Bynum.
I'm laughing really really hard.
I'm so uncomfortable.