
GBG is the fourth book. Also, I really liked Moonlight Mile and was unaware it was considered bad. I just the NYT Book review and they liked it a lot so there’s at least two of us.

No actual Viking’s fan becomes a Packer’s fan.

After I finished highfiving everyone at the bar, and wiping tears out of my eyes, and drinking the shot that the bar poured for everyone in attendance I thought, “I can’t wait to see what Drew is going to say tomorrow morning”. I know you’re coming to town for the Super Bowl, but you should have come 3 weeks early

Agreed. We have no reason to doubt the ones that have made it to print.

It’s Garrison Keillor.

Some of them are fake... and the Washington Post caught it before it became a thing.

That street runs two ways, but it didn’t stop you.

You are emotionally a child.

Can we send this person back to the greys with me so I don’t have to read their opinions any longer? Thanks in advance.

Bring It On in real life!

The stupidest person above is the one who is apparently a grown adult, but thinks that Ayn Rand ideas are, “largely dead-on correct.”

Relax, dude, not everything is important.

Everything I know about Cleveland I learned from that 30 Rock episode, but it sounded pretty sweet.

I’m in Minneapolis. We have Great Lake’s Christmas Ale too.

I could have done without yesterday’s temperatures, but, because I had to go out in it. Friday night’s snow was lovely through my window as my wife and I drank some wine and watched Netflix.!

You get that Wyoming would still have congressmen and congresswomen right? They would still have representation.

But, I don’t want to control every party member.

Are you me? Did I write this?

If only we could get a thousand people to tell you when it’s coming out somehow.

Also, Amber Benson knew during season 5 that Tara would die in season 6 as she has said many times. I don't think that really fits into the narrative of the gossip above.