
Christopher McQuarrie talks about naming the next Mission: Impossible A Cosmology of Monsters. 100% would watch. 

Kind of feels like No Way Home clearly demonstrated that variants don’t all have to look exactly the same.

They are so proud of themselves. Reading this persons sad glee with theirself on Twitter because they done riled us up for the lulz definitely tells me we need to not click on any more articles with their name. Don’t give them the clicks. God I miss Charlie and Annalee.

Seriously. I can’t log in on my work computer so I got out my phone and logged in just so I could star this comment. The entire I was reading the slide show I could only ask myself what pissy little baby wrote this terrible gripe fest. This was sad. 

Non-stop surprises you’ll never see coming on this weeks boring, repetitive episode!

They move fast, but we film it in slow motion. 

Linda Harrison though. 

Haven’t they indicated Part 11 will be Fast & Furious 10 Part 2?

The band members are animated characters. 

Is there also a baby or is she a “new mother forced to stay home after the birth of her son” who gave birth to a two year old?

Why did somebody interview him? Shouldn’t we be angriest way them?

Why? What makes it a dick move for her to say on Twitter that their not together anymore! I mean beyond your, and the authors obvious contempt for Palmer.They’re both people who talk pretty openly about their lives to their fans. They’re not really release a statement through publicists celebrities. 

I’m confused. Why isn’t Amanda Palmer allowed to announce her separation if she wants to? I was unaware she required Neil Gaiman’s permission to discuss her own life.

I love science fiction and I’m all about suspending disbelief when watching a movie, but I cannot allow myself to believe in a world in which The dinosaurs that escaped at the end of Fallen Kingdom aren’t all dead within 24 hours of the first attack in a human population center.

There is no way the average racist mouthbreathing Trumper on the street has any idea who Stephen Miller is. Everything the administration does is Trump. All glory to Trump. 

Oh, so immediately. That’s embarrassing.

Have a Michael Morbius and Curt Conners ever teamed up or battled or just angst-ed at each other? 

Not a huge deal, but just wanted to say Cirie wasn’t on Second Chance as she had already played 3 times by then. It was Game Changers where the vote out without votes happened and I disagree that it wasn’t a great moment. 

I hope they started pre-production on that like a year ago. 

So, if I read this article right he says he has only ever predicted the winner correctly once? Good thing they got him to try to pick the winner.