If it’s peer to peer, Nintendo can’t touch it. They can try to take down the .ips but it’s already out there and will be shared faster and faster the more Nintendo tries to pull it down. So yeah, this is safe no matter what Nintendo does.
If it’s peer to peer, Nintendo can’t touch it. They can try to take down the .ips but it’s already out there and will be shared faster and faster the more Nintendo tries to pull it down. So yeah, this is safe no matter what Nintendo does.
If that was my daughter she’d be getting an SNES Classic on launch day. Even if I had to buy one from a gouger, she’d be getting one.
I’d rather see Grand Theft Auto V on Switch but this is okay.
“The notorious YouTuber, Jake Paul, whose antics recently got him dropped by Disney, decided to travel to Houston to rescue individuals”
Yeah I think I’d rather drown.
“but if it comes at the cost of regular players’ enjoyment, is the extra promotion really worth it?”
I wish they’d add some of the missing stuff in but it sounds like they’re not going to. Kind of a shame :(
Still bummed about no Chrono Trigger on this thing. Would’ve loved being able to rewind the Magus fight over and over again. :(
Don’t ban people for exploiting glitches, PATCH YOUR FUCKING GAME.
It’s too bad this couldn’t have happened sooner. The Emoji Movie would’ve been 100 times better with Christopher Sabat voicing everyone.
Isochron Scepter?
You quit after someone told you to eat a dick? If those were my standard for quitting something I’d have quit Overwatch thousands of times over by now XD
I was in Indianapolis at the 2006 Great American Bash when they had the first ever Punjabi Prison match and I got a free upgrade to the club level too (because the cage was obstructing the view from my original seats). Great stuff!
ESPN is a cable channel, they’re not subject to FCC regulations.
And this is why the Switch needs cloud saves. Hopefully once we start paying for online, we’ll get them.
Aww man, I had been thinking about how awesome it was that Dion was still alive and imagining one of his grandkids showing him the game and him thinking it was cool.
Hearing he doesn’t like Fallout 4 is a bit of a bummer :(
I just wish that instead of hitting the reset button on Ash every season, do an anthology format. If Pikachu has to be part of every season, then fine, but have it be a different Pikachu each season who teams up with a new protagonist. Maybe give each Pikachu a different role or something. Getting rid of Misty and…
What would be amazing for the Switch VC (if they ever get around to making it) is if Nintendo did a “Lost Classics” line of games that never got localized. Get on the horn with companies like Square Enix and get Bahamut Lagoon and Terranigma for example, along with Mother 3 and others. They could charge a bit extra…
If I had a genie and one wish, it would be to wish that anyone spreading the BS “you have to defend copyright or you lose it” myth immediately receives a debilitating shock that prevents them from typing for an hour.
It’s TRADEMARK that has to be defended. Not copyright. Stop spreading falsehoods.
“The DMCA is required in order to maintain copyright.”
No it’s not.