In countless oil burning Mazdas trolling the USA.
Yeah uhhmmmm.... sorry i'll get those books back to the library.
So...... two Dicks, a pussy and a platypus walk into a bar... Finish the joke.
What ever.. well... Have fun storming the castle!
Dickhead officer. Not the cars fault. Sorry about your friend.
Confused man is angry!
Then maybe it is BMW that is bad! ;)
Completely useless information that I will non-the less cherish. I knew what NASCAR hath done but did not know this little nugget! Thanks~
While I will agree about the earlier years of NASCAR, as an aside: on the gold and red superbird "305 C.I."???? What?
To me it is way to similar. And not something I would want to emulate. I have been seeing Pontiac in many of the frontal designs of BMW's for a long time.
Uhmmmm....Joke? Cause, looks awesome to me.
HA! Had never saw that before. Can't un-see now!