
In countless oil burning Mazdas trolling the USA.

Yeah uhhmmmm.... sorry i'll get those books back to the library.

So...... two Dicks, a pussy and a platypus walk into a bar... Finish the joke.

What ever.. well... Have fun storming the castle!

Dickhead officer. Not the cars fault. Sorry about your friend.


It's been a long time but I knew that grill/headlamp even after dark!!!

Confused man is angry!

Then maybe it is BMW that is bad! ;)

Completely useless information that I will non-the less cherish. I knew what NASCAR hath done but did not know this little nugget! Thanks~


While I will agree about the earlier years of NASCAR, as an aside: on the gold and red superbird "305 C.I."???? What?

Yes sir, yep, you are correct sir!........ with a nod to the Martini Lancia

I look surprised and yet somehow angry at the same time.

To me it is way to similar. And not something I would want to emulate. I have been seeing Pontiac in many of the frontal designs of BMW's for a long time.

Uhmmmm....Joke? Cause, looks awesome to me.

HA! Had never saw that before. Can't un-see now!