
I have a Galaxy, but lordy, is kinja mobile a shitshow on it.

Wow! Didn’t know it was his third marriage although I always thought he cheated with Mika and thought their workplace hookup was super tacky. (Not really a work n romance person)

Yeah, he’s on his third wife, the last he divorced when his youngest was 5, almost certainly because he was fucking Mika on the job.

First wedding in the National Archives is a pretty solid D.C. flexmove.

Every text I’ve sent to a man after I’ve decided to stop sleeping with them...only to message them again when I’m horny and have low self-esteem. Every damn text. Stop re-opening the door, dummy!

100%. It sort of feels like massively punching either down or sideways? Like sure, white women can be fucking terrible, but it’s quite literally white men, both historically and today, who hold everybody else hostage, very much including white women...

This is very important

The other thing I see going on here is that, regardless of race, just about all men consider themselves superior to all women, and behave accordingly. Women are prey animals. Which really sucks. But as long as we’re all fighting amongst ourselves, the white men at the top of the food chain can continue to abuse

Yeah, there are no social repercussions for verbally castigating women of any color. White women (many of whom are truly terrible and deserve criticism) are easy targets because men don’t take us seriously. We’re (literally all races of women to all races of men) only as valuable as what we can do for them: clean up

Technically, the bare minimum is always absolutely nothing, my friend.

It’s the product of a fairly complicated issue among women and feminists about how much solidarity a WOC can really expect from other women, and how mainstream feminism hasn’t done much about tackling racism within and outside the movement. Basically there’s a real failure or intersectionality that’s been going on,

Sure, but just because someone gives the second group shit (which is commendable) doesn’t mean they’re justified or excused in giving the first group shit. If someone’s doing the right thing for the right reasons, giving them shit for 1) not doing it sooner or 2) merely being white is at the very least counterproductiv

It’s the former. I think it’s the idea that you’re supposed to be harder on people who should know better, but I’ve never suscribed to that view of life.

It’s not just here. And what really sticks out to me, as a white man, is that everyone on the left seems to have just decided not to really do much more than perfunctory “Goddammit, white dudes” in our direction. 59% of white women voted for Ted Cruz? Sure, but a billion percent of white men did the same.

To be fair, I don’t think “people” are mad. There seems to be a vocal sliver of a minority of people who live to snipe at others.

What a large portion of the commentators here don’t seem to get is that thier attitudes turn off people who might have been willing to help with the problem.

To be clear, a disturbing trend on this site has been to go HAM on white women, period. I am willing to criticize anyone when they deserve it. But there is a reflexive “Fuck white women” stance here that a lot of folks have taken, and I will never be comfortable with it.

Mrs. Trump is a strong and independent woman

As we get older we start sympathizing with all those horrible naggy dull wives & mothers & girlfriends &c. who Just Don’t Understand their men who are Yearning To Break Free

Right? As we get older we start sympathizing with all those horrible naggy dull wives & mothers & girlfriends &c. who Just Don’t Understand their men who are Yearning To Break Free, the ones that are invariably used as comic relief and/or a hate-catcher.... I’ve stopped sympathizing with heroes and started scolding