Rusty Shackleford

That's kind of a backhanded compliment tho

Michigan-MSU is a fun friendly rivalry. Lots of siblings go to one or the other. Michigan-OSU is some Hatfields-McCoys shit. You don't cross blood lines.

He might be telling the is a significantly better school. Just look at how many people are willing to pay out of state tuition for one of them.

lol? Not at all the same thing. Somewhere, you know that and are purposely ignoring it.

Yeah what the hell, my star finger is broken!

I was making a general statement about things like boycotts and twitter protests and how those are actions by private citizens, not the government, and therefore not a violation of the 1st amendment. It can apply to either Colbert or the Redskins.

don't be neglecting wheelchair jimmy now

Here's what people don't get: none of these words are banned. Just because something is unacceptable (like "nigger") doesn't mean people stop using it. Language is language. Deeming something unacceptable, or acceptable, or trying to reclaim or ban a word does not change its usage. It doesn't matter how many times Al

whatever, whitey.

Well, okay. Ex engineer here, so I'm not gonna speak to the usefulness of a liberal arts degree.

Two part answer:

Holy shit, somehow Rosario Dawson got even hotter.

Right, but that system didn't stand to make ass tons of money off of him. NCAA needs to die. I'm a Big Ten alum, and I say fuck Jim Delaney. Either call the NCAA what it is (profitable minor league) and pay, or stop hiding behind the fallacy of amateurism. There is nothing amateur about it, and they use the guise of

I just feel that the school knows what they are doing, and the student does not. The school is TRULY taking advantage, whereas the athlete only thinks he is taking advantage. Turning in shoddy papers and receiving passing grades is not what I would call taking advantage, because that degree is not going to be worth

The system fails them on so many levels. If the NCAA really wants to make athletic scholarships a thing, it has to actually provide an education.

State? I just assume not Duke because they're "too good" to "recruit thugs."

Why? The education would have been worthless.

Your comment, while funny, made baby Jesus cry.

It's not funny because this dude is barely literate, it's funny because it's UNC. If this story came up in Tuscaloosa, zero people would be surprised. UNC is a school that prides itself on academics, so there's a degree of schadenfreude that comes with exposing hypocrisy.

That's a load of shit, though. The onus is not on him, because the school is facilitating this type of thing, while profiting from him.

I hate this line of reasoning because the assumption of a scholarship is that you are treated like any other student. If that is not the case, then your scholarship is worthless. The