Rusty Shackleford

I guess we'll just have to disagree. Here is my argument on why rap (or hip hop) is art:

Do you consider any of those art?

Do you consider any of those art?

Do you consider any of those art?

I was making a general statement about things like boycotts and twitter protests and how those are actions by private citizens, not the government, and therefore not a violation of the 1st amendment. It can apply to either Colbert or the Redskins.

don't be neglecting wheelchair jimmy now

Here's what people don't get: none of these words are banned. Just because something is unacceptable (like "nigger") doesn't mean people stop using it. Language is language. Deeming something unacceptable, or acceptable, or trying to reclaim or ban a word does not change its usage. It doesn't matter how many times Al

whatever, whitey.

Yeah I did all that stuff too, but you can't do that all the time. Smart phones let us fill the mundane gaps, like waiting in lines and riding the subway.

Well, okay. Ex engineer here, so I'm not gonna speak to the usefulness of a liberal arts degree.

He's definitely part of the core. I feel that all 3 cousins make up the core: RZA for production, GZA for rhymes, and ODB for flavah.

Those were...oddly specific. I meant cool as a general concept. I guess my definition of hipster is a bit more broad.

Two part answer:

Nah, hipsters love cool shit, and nothing is cooler than borrowing street cred from other cultures. I smell an old white person.

Holy shit, somehow Rosario Dawson got even hotter.

Right, but that system didn't stand to make ass tons of money off of him. NCAA needs to die. I'm a Big Ten alum, and I say fuck Jim Delaney. Either call the NCAA what it is (profitable minor league) and pay, or stop hiding behind the fallacy of amateurism. There is nothing amateur about it, and they use the guise of

Don't do this. Something being popular doesn't mean it's not good, and vice versa. Just because Action Bronson is dope doesn't mean Aesop Rock gets a pass for being wack as fuck.

Name a rapper that you like.

At the same time, what do you call it when IKEA rips of an Eames design? It's still art, just plagiarized and mass marketed.

this got nothing to do with Millenials and has everything to do with a certain type of white person that thinks hip hop is noise.