Rusty Shackleford

Daft Punk Helmet

I mean don't get me wrong, you are totally on the money about how a woman's life is valued less than some dude's right to play soccer. I just think that Brazil is not special in this.

I dunno if that's sympathy for the murderer as much as Brazilian people really, really love soccer. Like way too much. I mean, we also let athletes in high revenue sports literally get away with murder, but we don't let them out to play on a work release once they're convicted. That story is insane.

I'm a Windows user myself. I love Apple products, but can't justify the price. I'm curious: you're using Windows 8 on a desktop, I assume? I think it's actually fine as a desktop OS; it's the tablet and hybrid portions that are a mess. I tried playing with a Surface 2, and it made me not want a touch screen Windows

Is the IE tile non removable?

I would like a picture of said grand menagerie of guinea pigs. Sounds awesome.

I also don't understand how she is suddenly "financially independent" if she didn't work on her career like all these young women she's telling not to. Divorce settlement?

Wait, I don't get it. She's divorced from her children's father, and is expounding how this is better because now she can date without her biological clock ticking. Is she advocating having kids first with whoever is your best option at the time, then deciding who you want to marry, cause, you know, now you're free to

UPN is defunct (merged with WB to become CW), but was network.

I mean, I'm in that boat. I'm a minority male and I've dated mostly white women in my life. Theoretically, that should be even more difficult. There's sort of an internal struggle where I ask myself why do I find myself dating white women over and over. I have zero aversion to women of my own race.

Good catch, I'm an asshole for not remembering that. Very funny guy, either way.

Also, I'd say it's a little unreasonable increase diversity on Friends or Seinfeld, AKA The Whitest Shows In The Universe

You have a point, I don't have any examples to prove my theory. I just feel that the focus is always on her dating white dudes, as opposed to the casting on the show.

It's hard to say. I get annoyed when people say some shit like "KIDZ THESE DAYS" like young people were different or better back in the day. But the truth is, most people just wanna get theirs and not go beyond armchair activism. I'm certainly guilty of it, too.

Look dude, if you care, that's great. We need white people to care, because they are heard the most.

Yeah seriously. Minority men aren't meant to be romantic leads on TV; we're just comic relief. The only time that's not true is when the story is explicitly about overcoming racism, e.g. Harold and Kumar (take that with a grain of salt, and yes, that shit opens a whole new can of worms).

I think people in general should not watch Tyler Perry movies. Not even because they have shitty stereotypes and terrible messages about women, but because they are unfunny.

Oh not at all. I was thinking more along the lines of Asian men. I think the old trope is that black MEN don't date black women.

While you are correct about those shows, they are part of my point. They were highly successful because they had white audiences. Shows with black casts that were successful with black audiences but not white ones were/are relegated to UPN and BET.

The thing is, every time I see someone asking her these questions, I think of that scene with Craig Robinson in Knocked Up where he talks about how he's only allowed to let in a certain amount of black people to maintain a low ratio. If she ups the minority factor too much, white people stop watching, she gets