Rusty Shackleford

Don't respond to people like that. Just try to sell them an extended warranty with their new AR-15 rifle purchase, send a box of Oxycontin, then take out a life insurance policy on them.

His constituency is composed of 100% hockey fans.

No, charges never stick for politicians

Clearly, you've never been to the Bronx.

Are you mad because you can't jump?

Yeah, I know. Someone has to work in the back office.

No need to Spear him just because you have a Chip on your shoulder.

Am I the only person who saw the description for Breather and immediately thought it would be used exclusively for fuckpads? It's the hourly motel equivalent of airbnb.

Not when you drink the amounts I do.

Called me out on what? Comparing slavery to a direct quote from your comment that closely mirrors the dictionary definition of slavery? Nowhere was wedding cake mentioned in your comment.

You're WILLFULLY being a fucking idiot. I compared "forcing people to do something they don't believe in" to slavery. And then I compared Jim Crow laws to...well, Jim Crow laws for gay people.

"Forcing people to do something they don't believe in is just as bad as being refused something because of who you are."

That might be true. You could also say SOME Republicans are racist pieces of shit, not all. But then you could try to count how many racist pieces of shit vote Democrat.

Could it really be worse than New York? You're causing me a lot despair here.

Thank you for making me feel not so old.

Wait, hold up. You're comparing Google to Verizon...the company who didn't want the iPhone because of their lucrative ringtone business. And you're talking about restricting content.

I think she is

Leslie Horn is terrible because she is adorable and makes me have a sad, sad crush

Leslie Horn is terrible because she is adorable and makes me have a sad, sad crush

Google buys Boston Dynamics. Coincidence? ROBOT DINOSAURS ARE IN OUR FUTURE SHEEPLE.