Rusty Shackleford

No, charges never stick for politicians

Clearly, you've never been to the Bronx.

Are you mad because you can't jump?

Yeah, I know. Someone has to work in the back office.

Not when you drink the amounts I do.

That might be true. You could also say SOME Republicans are racist pieces of shit, not all. But then you could try to count how many racist pieces of shit vote Democrat.

Could it really be worse than New York? You're causing me a lot despair here.

Look bruh, I know you don't believe in evolution and shit cause you stupid as fuck, but I sincerely hope you die soon. No one needs them genes. Just cut ya dick off.

I just pointed out a fact.

Did you notice that everyone here thinks you're an asshole? I'm probably not the delusional one.

Duh bro, only football players are allowed to be aggressive and pin girls down. If they weighed the same, the girl might kick the shit out of the guy.

You're not a feminist, you're just bad at sports.

Again, if men definitely beat women, why are you so afraid of women competitors?

I might even agree with you that it IS unfair. So why are you so afraid, bitch?

Is that like when white basketball players didn't want black players in their league? Why don't you check the NBA.

Actually, they're delineated TO BE EQUAL, you stupid fuck. And if she is better than all her female competition, what are you afraid of? You're just a little bitch who could never win a fair fight.

On the scoreboard of life, no one cares if you're at a disadvantage. If a dude with no legs can go toe to toe with Mayweather, LET HIM DO IT.

That's another thing football players never understood. You might have tiniest bit of a point in football or rugby, but wrestling is another animal. Technique and willpower can take you so much further than raw athletic ability. I consistently beat our 189 lber at a 37 lb disadvantage. The playing field is evened

So you should know what happens when prop hits a back. Imagine what happens when you equalize weights.

So you should know what happens when prop hits a back. Imagine what happens when you equalize weights.