Who is censoring anything? Did Tosh get his show cancelled even?
Who is censoring anything? Did Tosh get his show cancelled even?
No one is saying that? Because no one has that power? Which is obvious because it keeps happening where someone says that shit? Like right now?
Yeah, slippery slope sure does happen. One minute black people are allowed to pee in whatever bathroom they want, next thing you know, they're allowed to marry our women!
So what? No one is silencing them. Nothing is off limits. Obviously, because people keep doing it.
Ah okay, fair enough
The fucked up part is that statistically speaking, it's more like 25 of those men are rapists.
I'm not sure you got that episode. The whole point was that white people will never be able to understand what hearing nigger as a black person feels like, and therefore all those attempts to show understanding and solidarity are useless. It also points out that the focus quickly shifts to the defense/pity party of…
You specifically said comedians shouldn't be barred from telling any joke. They aren't. If they were, we wouldn't be having this discussion. I'm not sure what your point is, because it is taking place in a hypothetical world where comedians don't make unfunny offensive jokes all the time because they are some how…
Uh, YES, a fuck ton of those assholes see that as censorship. "Bluhbluhboohoo, it's not fair that I can't say nigger" is what they are thinking.
Well, yes, but this is about mapping chains and regional shit talking. It has a lot in common with sports.
Man, I can't stand Tim Horton's. A long road trip in Canada has shown me they can't make coffee.
It's funny because most of the people who say that phrase can't run or jump ... or even handle a particularly vicious thrashing in Madden.
Popeye's wins for me.
You guys gotta do this for fried chicken.
Toledo is another great dividing line.
A wise decision.
I think it depends on the soda. Diet/regular Coke and Dr. Pepper seem to be acceptable. Mountain Dew has sort of branded itself as the XTREME choice for XTREME 14-24 male demographic. If you get fancy soda (i.e. Boylan's or any number of cane sugar only Whole Foods approved brands), no one gives it a second thought.
Only use crystal meth in moderation.
Uh, excuse me? Google does it for YouTube. Have you read comments in YouTube? Facebook can afford to hire people too.
Yo, you could have just said "Thought Catalog", and I'd be like, oh, lol, nevermind.