
She’s also a domestic abuser apologist (Johnny Depp), anti-Semitic, racist and invalidated Indigenous people with these latest movies. She is trash.

Who here has said gender=sex? We pointed out the way in which you’re wrong, and your response is to create strawmen and, again, imply that “both sides are doing it”.

Heads up, “easier to understand” does not necessarily equate to “accurate”.

You’re still wrong. Biological sex is not wholly determined via genetics, and it’s also a spectrum.

Have you read the ruling? If not, I suggest you read it because this woman did not only say that “sex is unchangable” (which ignores the existence of intersex people, but OK), she also said a BUNCH of transphobic crap over the years in letters, tweets and emails, including “transwomen are men.” That is why she was

So you can make Dumbledore gay, but you can’t make him a woman.

This is inaccurate, though. Sex is not based solely on genetics, and people who believe you cannot change your sex are not “scientifically accurate”.

Too late. She’s an asshole, and has been one for a while. This is probably not even her final asshole form.

There’s a link to a Guardian story in this article that explains it, and in that story there’s a link to the court’s decision. Essentially she expressed her view that sex is immutable and that “men cannot become women.” And she wasn’t exactly fired, her contract wasn’t renewed.

Good luck. the truth is you’re just mad men figured out that they can join too. Hopefully men will join whatever new workspace you’re supporting next December until people like that discrimination, even when white women benefit from it, is still discrimination. Which is illegal; you want your own space? Stay home.

I mean, that’s fine if you want to regurgitate Google’s talking points to justify the firing of an employee who was advocating for organization. Some of us don’t feel the need to parrot Google’s case for them (incidentally, Google will pay a team of lawyers hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour to do that, why are

Damn, so you’re doing this for free, out of the goodness of your heart? Kinda weird you just lectured me about why businesses exist. I think you could’ve landed a nice side hustle union-busting for Google in internet comments threads.

Silicon Valley left Utopia a long time ago. These young people have no understanding of the violent history of union organizing in the USA. When employees start organizing and opposing corporate management, employers have always been willing to take the gloves off and do a little bare-knuckle boxing.

If you are not paid hourly, your time is yours to spend as you see fit. It’s a double edged sword, as sometime you have to put extra time in with no recompense, but it does allow for her to write code or organize whilst at work.

Google propaganda at it's finest. Hope they paid you well.

I’ve worked in tech for the last two decades, and let me tell you, your anecdotal experience may be true for your workplace (and if so, what a sad workplace it must be), but is not even remotely true across the board.

Unauthorized?  Broke the law?  The former is at least a disputed point, so maybe you shouldn’t just regurgitate company talking points, and I have no idea where you’re getting the latter from. 

the tolerant left

As the article says she got approval and her code was reviewed before it was pushed.