
The Harvard men’s soccer team thing was three years ago, which I guess is “half a lifetime ago” if you’re six years old. Though if that’s the case, why are you posting here and not bugging your parents for overpriced toys that you’ll never play with?

LOL. I’m old enough to know these Cee Uou Next Tuesdays are all grayer than a fucking ground squirrel.

Because the other women involved made up accusations instead of showing Kelleeany real support. Apparently the game was more important

Missy Byrd and Elizabeth Beisel, manufactured complaints against Spilo to convince Kim she had an ally

Note: Facebook pulls unique data from any device that you log in from. They also get relayed info from a large list of other apps including Spotify (and vice versa), regardless of whether you have an account. They also can tell which devices are yours by how often they log in from the same ip address.

Can’t imagine what you mean, he didn’t say a word about Rogue One.

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

I attend college basketball games regularly, and there are TONS of little kids there, I assume that’s true of NBA games, as well. I’m definitely not a prude, and I’m not a parent, but I think parents should be able to take little kids to a basketball game and not have to worry about them seeing bare ass twerking in

I dunno, “rich guy drives truck missing a number of important safety features on public roads, promptly runs over child-size object” seems like it’s of interest. Heck, that someone’s driving around this weird-ass prototype is of interest.


lol Anyone could’ve hit that”

Why would Alisha be owed an apology? Maybe don’t publicly caress the thigh of a married celebrity who generates headlines simply for existing if you don’t want to get wrapped up in the negative press. Yes, it's unfortunate that women in entertainment receive much harsher criticisms in these instances, but these

I can’t believe you all indulged this idiot with a response. Is every Baby Yoda thread going to spend time on the next troll to say “How is it Baby Yoda if Yoda is dead?”

He’s not Yoda, he’s just another member of Yoda’s species who is a baby. But since we don’t know the name of the species, everyone calls him “Baby Yoda.”

It’s always amazing to me that people simply assume that others share the same cynical worldview that they do. That said, organizing a MAGA rally is not really the same thing as what these employees were engaged in. A better example would be organizing workers around opposition to some act by Google that offended

A rash and highly publicized personnel decision has put Google in the crosshairs of its own workers—and soon, the National Labor Relations Board, which may well find the company broke the law.

These guys violated terms of the conditions of their work.

These cases are usually taken Pro Bono due to the size of the potential payouts.

however these people seem to have been engaged in other behavior that is against policy and were told to stop, and continued to break company policy, primarily violating privacy and data security rules.

You don’t think someone like the ACLU or the EFF is going to get involved? They love going after large corporations for things like this. I don’t think these people are going to be a penny out-of-pocket.