
But that’s where proper parenting comes in. And proper parenting doesn’t mean just being there hovering over your kid 24/7. You guide your children, mold their personality, you teach them to think critically, to use logic, and you raise them to find worth in themselves as opposed to the opnion of others.

Nonsense. As a parent I can attest firsthand and by looking at our friends’ kids that:

People can care about real missing persons and simultaneously acknowledge that faking your own abduction is trashy and deplorable.

How many articles have y’all written about these missing girls? Now it’s convenient to shine a light on them ONLY to draw attention away from ya Uncle Jussie’s sister. If a police officer shoots another Black man/woman, there will be 10-15 articles about it. If another Black toddler gets shot and killed, y’all won’t

“The idea that I had five seconds in the day to be distracted by anything is laughable,” Wilde said. “I was there before everyone. I was there after everyone.” Libatique also denied rumors that he or anyone else had to direct on Wilde’s behalf.

I was saying “boo-urns”.

Could they just fire this nasty c*nt already...?...not difficult. Box up her stuff and walk her to the door-- bye Felicia...

Sure, let’s just stop letting women have a chance of competing or winning any sport ever again. Sounds like a great idea...

Really? For something that competes with decent gaming PCs and has exclusive games that are basically unmatched, over $400 is a bridge too far?

Agreed. What I’m reading is that they purchased ad space on the websites of Nickelodeon & Cartoon Network . They also purchased space on 17 magazine and some homework help sites that are designed for middle and high -schoolers. I don’t know how they’re going to try to defend that. One is called

I see Rose’s point though.

On the other hand almost *everything* from the sequel trilogy was a disaster.” (Adjusted)

And here’s the thing I don’t hate the ST! I love some of the characters, and some of the ideas, but it was (in my opinion of course) an absolute failure in terms of execution of a story. 

So if you like it everyone should like it and if you dont like it everyone should hate it, because TLJ had terrible mistakes as TROS.

> One film annoyed many people because of conscious, purposeful decisions, whereas TROS has genuine mistakes and inconsistencies.

I don’t disagree that there were some poor writing and editing decisions in TROS - there absolutely were, but they were there in TLJ too. Poor character development, poor plot development in some spots (Canto Bight), pacing issues.

I really liked both movies. But they both had some problems.

People have been walking on the hulls of ships high in the atmosphere of gas giants since The Empire Strikes Back, but space horses was going to far?


Maybe you encountered the ‘separate caterer for extras and media’ tactic, because every shoot i’ve been on the craft services were on point. 

Also, what were Beyoncé and Jay-Z even doing there?”

I always thought the Rule of Two meant a Dark Lord of the Sith could only have one apprentice but unlimited followers (soldiers, acolytes, etc), and there could also be MANY Dark Lords, albeit in competition.