
Bisley TMNT = best TMNT

breakin the fourth wall...

this is just amazing. best article to read first thing in the morning!

so much agree. I mean, we are talking about a visual medium, and it is painfully hard to get into the field, so I really feel the same here.

this is a killer chune...


this also reminds me of Simon Bisleys work, toned down a bit.

i dunno. but i love this i think.

the caution sign also needs spell check...

puke. let the past die already. it's so sad and wizzly. and over-rated.

aw yiss.

title should have been "a game for good-griefing"

Holy. Fuck.

agree. its making me feel crazy. i don't actually know him, but i feel like i held him up as being an example of something...i don't know.

i wouldn't say it "walks" away. it sort of gibbers or seizes away...

I'm just gonna leave this here, ok?

i feel like this should have won, honestly.

oh shit i really LOL'd at the ones featuring your likeness for some reason...also, what other kind of snackin' is there, really?

he changed CAREERS multiple times during his 5 year quest? I don't think he understands the meaning of career...