
i agree 1000% with your take on this. Idiots are gonna cry “haters” in his defence, but all i see here is another idiot who doesn’t really understand what a joke actually is and feels entitled to an all you can serve buffet of mean spirited invective...

well, i approve. and my 4 1/2 yr old daughter recognized them all and got excited so thet are doing something right

so much win. i was thinking the same thing.

mmmmm tumescent...

thank god. i thought it was just me.

waiting for a pedobear appearance...

dude. it was awful. they weren’t even trying...

ours are relatively boring i think. also, i felt let down by all last time. heres hoping for a better showing this time. Hey, lets not forget the weird old dutch chip flavours...calamari and tzatziki? yes.

sadly, i recognized it right away.


Ummm. Hello. Simon Bisley?

the realest fighter in the ufc. That was a great story!

i feel like this person is a former resident of LiveJournal of old known as “The Masturbat”

this should evolve into a multiplayer game mode like evolve. X number of supers (unable to use weapons) against normals with weapons.

If you insult someones creation, expect hostility. what does TB create? reviews. How special. the referenced tweet from TB was not a review, so it could easily be deemed an attack, or an uncalled for commentary. He should have said it in the context of a review. then it would have been defensible.

Uhhh. I loved rogue warrior...welp.

awesome. Dan Luvisi is a fucking genius level self taught artist and LMS is awesome. Thanks for featuring his work here!

so much approve!

without Jello? Oral sex...grass know.

im probably the only guy here pushin' 40 who is NOT a star wars fan. but i like the look of this trailer-though i don't understand the soccer droid...