

Dude I loved far cry 2! pure awesome.

i wouldn't consider this to be good stylistically or technically. beh.

regarding the Brony hate-fest: fuck off and die. I have a daughter who likes the show, and I happen to as well. The show somehow has risen above being a shitty and obvious marketing tool like every other cartoon we seem to cherish from the past. my enjoyment of it came very much to my chagrin as well, but im not

first thing i thought of...

this comment board needs more commenters like yourself. Reading Kotaku comments is like a textbook example of petulant, myopic assholes with entitlement issues.

I don't see anything wrong with this conceptually or stylistically. I feel excited about this!

Full Metal Jacket!!! watch it kids! fuck!!

terrible for nintendo = kicks the shit out of every real atari game ever made!

no sir. i don't like it!

I'll just keep playing the real thing. i am curious about how much the experience is improved by removing the horrible buzz/hum of the vectrex...

HA! Gr8andPowerfulTurtle is teh winnar!!

Oddly, the wraps have been a permanent fixture on the menus of Canadian McDonalds for years (including the big mac wrap) and the BM wrap is a NIGHTMARE. strangely, the buffalo chicken wrap is pretty good though...

This story is sad and it just makes me angry. If this is relatable in any way to a segment of our population then it should be defined as a mental illness. just sad.

absolutely incredible. so much that i love about this work!!

APPROVE! also, i need this shirt.

Blue Waffle?

peeing my pants to hear the story of the giant alien "navigator" host from alien that they show in the trailer! @ 2:05-2:15!

Three Studies for figures at the base of a crucifixion by Francis Bacon