
AI glitch? He's running right past enemies in linear corridors, with no consequence. That's just horrible game design.

Was it really necessary to watermark Game Informer's cover?

You want teenagers to suck your dick?

Care to elaborate on what you disagreed with in the article?

Actually, if a person actively ignores those practices, they're probably not ignorant of them. You can still call them idiots and possibly naive, but "ignorant" is most likely not correct.

Racism in video games is never alright, people who say its not a big deal are wrong, and quite frankly probably white.

Unless you have a desk set up in front of your TV, a mouse and keyboard aren't all that convenient.

You realize Kotaku doesn't post the whole review, right? They just post a small segment of their choosing.

"Average" is a 5/10, people. Not 8.5/10. 8.5 is great. 10/10 is impossible

Really? Fox gave TSCC a FULL second season despite its rapidly declining ratings. I loved that show too, but looking at season two's abysmal ratings, it simply wasn't fiscally responsible for Fox to renew it again.

Sounds like we'll get to hear Kratos talk for once. INSTEAD OF YELLING ALL THE TIME!

but if anyone else voices their opinion about how much of a faggot he is

This is coming from Spark Unlimited, developers of Turning Point and Legendary; two of the most critically panned FPSs ever made. I've heard good things from the PAX demo, so let us hope they've turned themselves around.

If EA proved it wasn't them, I'd stop being a doubter. Buuuuuut they haven't.

No one is going to give you an argument about Ubisoft, because at this point that is just a strawman argument. The only issue here is you being a hateful dick. Just because you acknowledge it doesn't mean it is OK.

You just worked yourself into a tizzy and launched a full scale, whiny rant against someone's tiny complaint. No one cares about your pathetic argument. I just find it irritating (and funny) that you're acting like such an asshole.

someone posted a spurious, idiotic rant

Actually Ubisoft has quite a history of bad or broken ports and extremely restrictive DRM.

"Jersey Shore marine"? Besides his cheese grater abs, he shares no characteristics with any of the Jersey Shore cast. Also, he's Hispanic, not Italian.