That’s why one of the videos I link with a playthrough has over two million views. They’re all meeeee.
That’s why one of the videos I link with a playthrough has over two million views. They’re all meeeee.
Then don’t buy the game if you are not down with the concept.
It’s been something else to watch the fallout from the fan translations. People have gotten really nasty with one another, and it’s kind of disheartening. The way I see it is: you’re perfectly within your right not to feel affected by this. As a queer person, this doesn’t ‘offend’ me in that it seems like the standard…
No, it’s a gay marriage site. All websites are now legally required to be about gay marriage. Learn some law.
Except Ferrari guy. In the midst of all this evil-minded douchebaggery, Ferrari guy seems cheerful and benign.
It’s not that simple. Emulating a different piece of hardware is much more demanding on the system. If you had one of the old PowerPC powerbooks, and tried to run windows, it would run horribly on it, as an example.
I’d have to go back and get captures—which, absent those, I cannot present direct evidence. I’ll leave that on the table for now, until I can generate capture videos for you.
That said, she didn’t “generate conflict” by leaving him because she was an abusive alcoholic and in love with someone else—she did what most…
So in essence what you’re saying is cheating if worst or equal to physical abuse and murder? She loved another guy, Baron wandered up and killed him and forced her back because she was “HIS” wife. From my point of view it’s all him.
Over dramatic? They were laughing the whole time... didn’t seem like anybody was taking it very seriously.
“Lazy” is not a word I would use to describe the GTAV dev cycle. The flip flops actually have physics for God’s sake!
If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive…
Maybe because you’re not part of the group being attacked?
How about we let trans people tell us what hurts them instead of us deciding for them, ‘kay?
I’m constantly amazed at how many people seem to center their ideas on freedom of expression on the ability to offend people other than themselves.
Well seeing as the joke is saying that it’s somehow horrifying to sleep with trans people then yes it is very offensive. If I made a joke where the punchline was that someone slept with someone who turned out to be a black person who whited up so they killed themselves it would be seen as incredibly racist and would…
“Misread, but most didn’t know it.”
Because Fast and Furious is incredible.
A new set of amiibos went on sale yesterday at GameStop, and it was a disaster. They’re already sold out. One day…
Any excuse to complain about something someone likes, huh?