
"But what about a five-year-old waiting just outside a supermarket?"

Can we just go with "never?" It is NEVER ok to leave children or animals locked in a hot car. COME ON, people. This is Texas. Heat indexes are expected to reach 105 today, you could bake cookies on the windshield of your car. And it's just gonna stay this way until October. We ALL know this. We go through this EVERY

I can't wait for Size 007: for the deadly, debonair debutante.

A lot of women do shave their arms (or use Nair or whatever on them), so that's not an extra. I doubt genitals are included, but if you wanted the experiment to be truly "fair," there's a lot of stuff women are expected to do beyond shaving that takes way longer than shaving your chest and stomach.

Speaking as a woman with arm hair, you would not believe how many people point out my arm hair. One complete stranger (a man, of course) asked why I don't shave it.

My point here is that women are pressured into having no visible body hair whatsoever, implying that we spend our time shaving instead of doing more

The thing is, though, that some of us don't like kids, or are in fact selfish. Both of which strike me as excellent reasons for not having kids.

Kids can be nice little people. They're fun to hang out with. That doesn't mean I have any desire to have one of my own.

I always casually thought I'd have kids, until I started college and realized how ridiculously complicated and hard it can be just to take care of oneself. I had an "I'd rather be 40 than pregnant" mug, and pushed the thought of kids safely into "forever from now," ie "after graduation and marriage, I guess." My

I love this...what a great theory. We were definitely in the "C" category. We both thought we wanted kids. We were 21 and 22 when we met. The longer we are married, the more fun we have and now we've decided that life's pretty damn complete without kids. We've been married 11 years, 15 total together. Thankfully, my

I'm 28, been with my partner 5 years and everyone around me is having babies. Pretty much every time I socialise I have to deal with the "when are you two going to make it official?" and "so when do you think you'll start your family?" questions. Firstly f*ck you and your self righteous judgement on my life: not being

There are plenty of eligible ladies that don't want children (and despite what fellow breeders say, we won't change our minds, and we're not selfish or mentally incapable.)

I read that as "I'm a glorious glowing raptor." That would be amazing.

ugh dude I'm a woman and I feel this is MY biggest dating handicap. "Dudes are all, I just want to find the mother of my children*!"

And I'm all, how about we just travel and eat good food and enjoy life instead? Oh wait, no, we can't do that, because there's something fundamentally wrong with a woman who doesn't want

A guy broke up with me because he thought I was trying to trap him into having kids. He never ever asked me if I wanted kids, he just assumed I did and that I somehow wanted them so badly that I'd ...poke a condom or something? I don't know. It was weird. So I kindly and gently explained to him that I have zero desire

It goes both ways. I have a terrible time finding men who don't want children or don't already have some.

My partner and I brought it up really early. Second date I think. His last relationship ended because she wanted kids and he didn't, so he wanted to be sure neither of us ended up in the same scenario. If you're online dating I'd put it in your profile, if you're meeting people offline I'd probably give it one or two

Exactamundo. (Kill me now) I turned 40 this year, and my stash of give-a-fucks is empty. I am who I am, and I like that person a whole lot more than I did my 26-year-old snooty intellectual goth self. I don't have kids, I don't want kids, and you don't want me babysitting for any child under the age of reason. I don't

My husband and I are childless by choice (married 9 months, together almost 6 years). It's definitely hard to find someone who feels that way, but it was a deal breaker for both of us and addressed early on. Fortunately, since we met online, it was actually a category in our online profiles so there wasn't the dread

Just make sure it stays a dealbreaker and you'll be fine. There are plenty of women, more now than ever, who would sooner avoid all of that.

That's when a woman knows how to work things, or she doesn't care about that anymore. You just stop being afraid.