
lolwtf, are all their sponsorships going to get taken away if she stops shitting out kids or what?

It's a strong cast overall but he is the BEST!

I'm replying to you but really this is just general info: Guys can carry BV and yeast infections and give them to their lady partners. For women who have "chronic" infections and don't use protection in their monogamous relationship- it is *very* likely that their SO has an asymptomatic infection that they are

It could take a few days, one hour at a time each day of constant applied apple cider vinegar. FWIW, I used the Mrs Braggs organic "with the mother" stuff.

Look, sometimes people have things. Most of the time they are treatable. I treat people with skin conditions day in and day out. I also have bowl problems. Both require work and time to correct. Yes, there is usually an Rx that will take care of it for a while but even my Dr agrees you need to listen to your body. I

I got BV everytime I banged my ex raw. The smell is unmistakable. Seriously. AWFUL. I could tell the minute I had it. Something about this guy and I did not work.

Calm down guys. He thought he was Jewish in the 2nd grade!

Now playing

Towards the end he does Kermit the frog, and then he dances. But the whole thing is hilarious.

Hilarious, Kevin Spacey is an awesome impressionist, that's where he started many years ago.

which is exactly why it needs a different name. can't have our normal bodily functions upsetting people now, can we.

Endometrium sloughs from the womb not only in liquid form but in clotted chunks that resemble bits of liver. They're not dangerous to health, nothing described above is a health problem. As for the shits, hormones that cause uterine contractions also cause intestinal contractions and like a clearance sale, everything

When women have their periods, it's normal for some of the menstruate to come out in gooply, gelatinous chunks. Kind of like uterine snot. It's not just blood, but exudate, uterine lining, and blood mixed together.

It's different than the dangerous blood clots that are found in the vascular system, which are not a

So yeah, clearly, you don't know what you are talking about. Next time, feel free to stop talking and start listening, before making and especially spouting off, uninformed opinions.

When we're talking about "blood clots" we're talking about a very normal part of a period which is like chunky blood. I'm not sure if "blood clot" is the right technical term but, as a woman, I knew exactly what is was referencing - as I'm sure every other woman who has a regular period does. They are like thick,

Period shits are roughly the same level of health problem as hangover shits.

Period shits aren't always a health problem. If there's long term problems with your shits, that's a health problem, but if it's only happening during your period it's actually pretty common and something that is never really talked about within the context of "here is a period and here's what it is" - and it should

I know that complaining about Facebook changes is high on the list of "most ridiculous things you can waste your time on", but what is the hate-on that FB has for showing posts in chronological order? If their algorithm for determining what I was interested in was even vaguely accurate I might be more accepting, but


I've always thought of myself as more of an epsilon, really.