
Exactly. This could have been amazing. Unfortunately, it was absolutely terrible.

I absolutely love the idea, but dislike the execution. It's still amusing, though.

I see your point about having different online identities, but there is a world of difference between what you are doing in relation to your transition and what she was doing which was completely lying about who she was and then killing off her other persona.

I hate stories like this, because MRAs love them. False rape accusations are about as statistically common as meteor strikes and are a completely specious, idiotic reason to discount rape accusations. But high profile ones like this (yes I am assuming that Faircloth is lying, literally every single piece of evidence

having known several pathological liars in my life, i can say for certain that it definitely doesn't make sense. they lie when there is no 'reason' to (not that there's ever a reason but you know what i mean), when there's nothing to be gained, they lie and say they were at the drugstore instead of the supermarket

She sounds like a serious pathological liar, very much like that waitress who made up the story about a couple leaving her a homophobic note on their check. You may think she had nothing to gain from making false rape accusations but people like that love attention and creating drama, it doesn't have to make sense to

I LOVE amy Sedaris ,bunnies, & Andrew wk but I could only watch a minute of that nonsense

As a Canadian:

Steak well done can fuck off and die!

Oh wow, I seriously thought this was going to be about her Claire Underwood interview.

Just adding another reason I love the show. I think to have a women who is so awful and still be sympathetic and even likable (I mean in a deliciously evil sort of way, not in a real life sort of way) is revolutionary. I actually felt empathetic towards her at the end after she meets with the female marine. This kind

I get why people don't like her as a person, she isn't a good one. But this scene was revolutionary for television and also feminist. I wish Jezebel would do an article on the scene (SPOILER ALERT) where she is talking to Frank about her rape and says that she strangles her younger self everyday to keep from that girl

Yep! She and Frank are both sociopaths! That's why their marriage is so strong! Watching them on this show like watching snakes take human form or something. It's fascinating/mesmerizing.

While a lot of journalists will play themselves in shows like this, making tiny cameos, most will not appear as characters who further the plot, as Ashleigh did. I do have a little less respect for Banfield because she could have (should have?) said to the writers/director, "Um … I would never, ever conduct an

That reporter is a fictional character and I want to reach through the screen and slap her stupid.


Claire Underwood, my Southern mama wouldn't approve of the lying, but she'd approve of your class under pressure.

Sure. Blame Satan. Everyone blames Satan.

I love the names he gives to them. They make me think he's reallly Brian Eno.