
I would hope he’s smart enough to blur out his card number and address. But then again, this is Shkreli we’re talking about, so.

Same. My graduating class was around 300. You pretty much knew most of the kids who were at least two grades above and below you.

My aunt used to give me so much about that too! Said it looked trashy and I should only smoke while standing still or sitting.

Your car insurance is only $40 a month???

Ooooh, gotcha. Regional accent or just your thing?

Wait, how do you pronounce railroad? Ruin, I get. Maybe something like “rin”? But railroad...what are you dropping or slurring together there?

Haha I like your style. Thanks!

This looks yum! Were you following a recipe?

I wish you were writing these scripts instead of the hacks they currently have!

Same! Gel polish is the only thing that lasts for me but I worry about the damage to my nails (plus $$) :/

How do you keep them from going rancid? What's your voodoo magic? Because I have had Essie bottles less than a year old get funky and change colors :(

I was super guilty of this in this past. And still am from time to time because impulse shopping still gives me a thrill. Buuut I have learned to reign it by saving my $$$ for higher-quality classic pieces that aren’t likely to go out of style and then buying trendy fast-fashion shit on the cheap from like Forever 21

Were you moonlighting as a torturer after school?

This is the designer purse version of those stupid stick people families people put on their cars.

As far as brush cleaning goes, I’ve been using Sephora’s bar soap. It has this rubber scrubbing pad thingie that’s really good for swishing your brush to make sure it really gets in there. Great for Beauty Blenders too.

Thank you ^_^

Haha, right?! People always underestimate how much makeup is actually used for those “natural” looks.

That seems like a waste of perfectly good drinking vodka lol. I guess I could buy a small bottle of the cheap stuff. Make me feel like I'm in college again haha.

I love those acrylic organizers but I just don’t have the counter space :(

Yeah, Birchbox is really great for trying out new stuff. A couple boxes have been fails, but I’ve been pretty happy overall. Hope you can make it back out to civilization soon!