
I tried and now I'm wishing that I hadn't. Someone hold me, please.

Wow. I really admire her patience and ability to stay calm while talking to these people.

I'm not sure if you were responding to his post about having BPD, but you just perfectly described what it's like to date someone with BPD.

If you're lonely, then reach out. Hang out with real live people who have the same interests as you. Places like are a great place to do that.

305 take it to da house!

Thanks! :)

I can't get the link to work. :( Nothing happens when I click on it.

Yeeeeah...about that...

I gave no fucks before, but I am firmly Team Martin now.

Thanks! It seems counterintuitive to cleanse your face with oil when you have oily skin, but what the hell.

Please tell me more.

WTF. That is a terrifying side effect.

Ugh. The last time I went on the pill, I lost my libido too. And that was after I asked for the low-dose shit. Like, what's the point of being on the pill if I don't want to fuck anymore?

I treated my HPV warts with ACV. It was a total hail mary, and I honestly didn't think it would work. It burned quite a bit, but they were almost completely gone after a few days.


We're gonna have to go somewhere. Your city's first on my list!

I'm sure the deniers will fine some way to spin this. Like, "In 200 years, you won't have to travel to the beach. The ocean will come to you!"

My jaw dropped when I found out he wasn't actually British. Best faux accent I've ever heard.

Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany) is a twentysomething crust punk