Is this community still in existence? Current Subway employee here; would love a place to congregate online with others of my kind.
Is this community still in existence? Current Subway employee here; would love a place to congregate online with others of my kind.
I happen to work at Subway, and yes, it is hard work. Not technically skilled labor, true (though it does take several months to learn how everything works, so there its training required), but it is perpetually stressful and if you are actually trying to do a good job, it is hard work. I'm lucky enough to enjoy a…
Just because you don't type all flowery doesn't mean you aren't eloquent, because holy hell your storytelling skills are off the hook! From one service worker to another, I can only aspire to throw shade the way you did in that second bit. Genius.
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Nice to see that at least one Irishman escaped The Curse.
I thought you were replying to MsAdventure at first and reacted to your comment in a rather different way.
Something about these little computer-generated conversation bot videos is absolutely hilarious to me. Mr. Watch-The-Game had me on the floor with his reactions. Is there a name for this style of video/a place where I can find more of them?
Snoop has done a couple AMAs with that handle, and he regularly shows up on other people's AMAs or just random threads on a popular post. He's become the fun crazy uncle of Reddit.
Hold the fuck up - is that an entire website devoted to the Draco/Ginny ship? A website for one individual ship? Color me impressed.
The problem is that Putin has turned international opposition into a political well of domestic support that looks pretty deep from over here in the U.S.A. "Russian exceptionalism" seems to be a pretty deeply-seated part of the national character, the idea of having a unique set of spiritualized ideals and principles…
This particular bit of spam is pretty hilarious in context.
Are there other instances where they've used data to promote retrograde thinking like this? The fact that they don't even bother to consider the possible socialization behind their respondents' attitudes on this one makes them sound like a bunch of hacks, but they seem to have a fairly good reputation, peer-reviewed…
More for the rest of us, then. I'll be geeked if the tested contraceptives work as well as I've been hearing; compared to the hormonal russian roulette and general pain-in-the-ass that girl birth control methods entail, these ones seem like a breeze.
There are some really lovely communities on Reddit. The big default subs tend to have a bit of a stinky underbelly, especially if you post anything with a girl or a person of color in it, but its not hard to carve out a niche for yourself and avoid the cringeworthy stuff.
These guys have made a bit of a cottage industry out of whipping up old-timey covers of contemporary Top 40 fare. For your consideration: A very swingable version of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' "Thrift Shop":
"Able was I, ere I saw Elba."
Wow, that's actually really interesting. I had no idea. Time to hit Wikipedia.
The best part was when they had some line about nerdy guys who "try to learn sex tips on Reddit" in some article about how to date different "guy types" (because, y'know, we all come fully pre-packaged at Dudes-R-Us). Given Cosmo's own dubious reputation in these matters, many LOLs were had once somebody screencapped…