
Somebody should have passed her a mic right afterwards just so she could drop it.

Nice to see the Red Pig getting some love. It usually ranks near the bottom of the Miyazaki fan polls, but that film has a special place in my heart.

I live in Northampton, too, and I'm just quietly watching this from the sidelines and smiling to myself. I love it when Five College drama goes national.

Loving this gif. Needing its source.

CajunGinger, isn't it a little late on a Thursday night to be slicing through my heartstrings like that?

I feel the same way. I turn into Confession Bear when I hear that maudlin, tinkly opening piano riff on the local Top 40 station.

Now playing

Yo Miley, I'm real happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Neil Young and Emmylou Harris did the best wrecking ball song of all time! OF ALL TIME!

You give me a real life TIL moment by telling me that the word "snark" is in fact a portmanteau, so I think that counts as partial credit.

I'm totally reading JGL's half of the dialogue here in Sterling Archer's voice.

Came here to post this. Now I happeh.

They probably started hitting a little too close to the mark and Gawker got a few too many phone calls from some well-financed legal departments.

Skins UK wasn't terribly violent, just very angsty and the kids are drinking, smoking and partaking in other substances nearly every time they're together at all hours of the day. Also, sex happens quite a bit. I haven't seen the US version, but I've heard it was baaaaad, probably because the morality police raised a

This is just a few syllables away from being a glorious haiku.

My very liberal second high school had a "Gender Bender Night" every year when anyone who was in on the idea could swap clothes and go to a dance/social dressed as the opposite sex. I had a couple friends of mine (one of whom had an in with the theater department) do me up in full ladies dress: wig, makeup,

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I was getting my lunchtime started off right with some Diplo when I opened your gif just as the beat kicked in at 1:02. Perfect pairing, Burt. Thank you.

Now I wonder if that's just something you have to endure if you want a relationship with a man.

Lindy, I hereby make a solemn promise never to laugh again. Henceforth, I shall only meat-chortle.

"...Danger Zone!"

Given that Lena Dunham has taken flack for the portrayal (or lack thereof) of POC on Girls, she probably feels the need to tread lightly in this particular area. Which is probably a good thing.