
In fucking Nebraska, no less. I wanted to reach into the screen and start giving out huggles to everyone present.

The gift of a giant cock should not be wasted on assholes, unless the asshole and the pendulous member in question belong to two different and mutually consenting adults.

I wish that this were funny because it wasn't actually true for many people.

The Airbender/Korra franchise has really made an outsized impact on the cultural consciousness of tuned-in Millennials, I feel. The fanbase drew in a lot of people outside of the core demographic for shows like this and the creators have consistently had a broad and inclusive vision for the series' character

I know that this is a serious issue, but the brazen stupidity on display here just strikes me as so fucking funny right now. Is this what people mean by "not seeing skin color?" And then there's Ms. Golden Man there upthread and Mr. #ihatemyself being unintentionally candid. I have to think it's at least a symbolic

UHH. MAZING. Who is this wizard of words?

See, this is the problem with how we have dealt with "racism" as a society. We've taken that word, put it in a box, and shoved it into a corner of America's attic that we reserve for Bad Things That Bad People Do. That way, the rest of us, all of whom know implicitly that we are Good People, can assure ourselves that

Should I consider you this gif's legal guardian? Does that mean I have to get your permission to ask for its hand in marriage?


In the books her name is Asha, but they changed it to Yara so as not to confuse viewers with the similarity of Asha to Osha, Bran's wildling protector.

It doesn't take an idiot to miss some details on a show this complicated. I do it quite a lot myself.

Samesies. And let me just point out for the record that "Yara" is an anagram of "Arya."

I am so fucking excited to see Yara Greyjoy get her own storyline at last. Talk about a real HBIC. She could teach Daenerys a thing or two about leadership.

Well, after she and Stannis were gazing into the flames back at the beginning of the season, Stannis told Davos that he saw "a battle in the snow," which seems like a pretty good indication that White Walkers were afoot (maybe it alluded to the battle at the Fist of the First Men?). I think that Melle Mel, as I call

Grrr, Kinja dumb, grr.


"She's a power flower" has a nice ring to it.

How about Parcheesi without dice, where each players moves their pieces based on the amount and quality of sex stories they have to offer. Points are awarded on a sliding scale, starting from especially inventive masturbation sessions and ranging up to that one time a dwarf brought an jackass and a honeycomb into a

I'm with you on this one. Depending on the clientele, the combination of bars and single people can bring out shitty behavior in almost anyone. When you add in the artificial expectations and restraints imposed by the gender binary, love (or lust) starts to look a lot like a battlefield very quickly.

As you can

Koi ponds? Are you trying to land yourself some hot samurai ass? Better give those ronin some cherry blossoms. Ronin love cherry blossoms.