
“It has been misunderstood by some people that Miss World is a beauty competition focusing on the physical attractiveness of a woman’s body,” the organizer, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, an Indonesian media tycoon, said.

Unlike his bastard son, Roose Bolton is the kind of sadist who delights in the subtle tortures rather than the big, splashy, obvious ones.

I don't even read the books and Roose Bolton is absolutely terrifying. His fucking sigil is a flayed man on a cross. He's obviously a very smooth operator, too. Crawledoutofthesea has it right: "Tywin Lannister without the hubris."

Yeah. And that's how I know that a comeuppance is in the offing for Team Lannister. Icing Starks? It's all in the game. Violating the sanctity of guesthood, comitting numerous atrocities and doubtless setting tongues wagging all over Westeros (remember, like the Hound said, the whole countryside knew that this wedding

Oh god...the four year summer...never forget. That was right when the world hit Peak Potter, too. And her target generation had all become impatient, whiny teenagers by that point, too (I, sadly, resembled this remark). Fortunately, we had the movies to carry us over, and the gap probably increased the popularity of

I also sort of love that GRRM actively says "oh, you LIKE the Joseph Campbell hero arc in your fantasy novels, huh? Here, lemme NOT do that and see what you do..."

It's like Dada poetry. I didn't want it to end and frankly, this post would have been better with no mention of the cat at all. I hereby nominate Doug Barry to drop acid every Sunday and produce rambling, hyper-descriptive-yet-only-vaguely-relevant captions for everything he posts.

This is the sixth attempt I've made at crafting a reply that is worthy of this comment. I fold.

Seriously. I don't understand how so many people (people like ItBurns, apparently) can look at her and feel absolutely no compassion. I just want to give her a hug and tell her that everything's going to be okay.

When is Tywin Lannister going to appoint you Master of GIFs?

The Twilight fandom is one of the few that I would actually fear, physically, if I had to interact with them as part of my personal and professional life. I know that sounds judgmental, especially coming from somebody who participates in more than my share of overblown fandoms, but it's true. Sexual fascination,

Exactly. I don't trust her. Can somebody set up a BachmannWatch site? Keep her in sight at all times.

I'm not even a ginger, but I still bow and grovel before those who have been kissed by fire. Respect.

I love you too.

"Ve-ri-gi-nia Doobt-fire, dear!"

I love you, Ubertrout.

DON'T RUIN IT FOR US! I'm salivating while waiting for House Martell to debut, because I can already tell that some amazing things are going to happen, somehow.

Did you see their faces when she won over the Unsullied at Astapor? Total fanboygasms all over the place.