
Apparently Book Stannis is a more likeable character than Show Stannis. Whenever I talk to book-readers in the fandom there's always a big "Team Stannis" contingent. That said, I think Stephen Dillane has done a hell of a job bringing that character alive, and I think he gets more sympathetic the more screen time he


I wonder if he's quite aware that the wimmenz now have the right to vote.

"Ser Illyn, bring me his head!"

Are we sure that this isn't some kind of performance art? Could Zombie Lee Jones here be Nebraska's most successful troll? I feel like this is just a little too good to be true.

5) Tides come in, tides go out.

Now playing

Do men like being considered simple, one-dimensional creatures?

To his credit, RPattz been smart enough to hold the Twilight phenomenon way out at arms length. There's quite a few interviews where he spend most of his time snarking on it; in one of them he basically calls Stephanie Meyers a nutcase. I think it'd be unwise to count him out this early in the game. He's too charming

Am I missing something about Joan Rivers? She gets adored on this website and many others but I have yet to see material from her that justifies the hype. My latest exposure to her was when she was bodysnarking on Adele during an interview in a really obvious and unfunny way after the Oscars. Maybe she's got stuff

Show us on the doll...

Jacques really loved his banquet spreads, didn't he? Whole pages devoted to the pies and the sweetmeats and the wines. Only George R. R. Martin gives him a run for his money in this regard. Those heavyset older gentlemen sure do love their vittles, wot?

"Salamandastron, look out here we come,"

Let me offer you my hugz and say that you deserve to be loved, no matter what changes have been made to your body. I hope that you come to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what you look like, and that you find somebody who can do the same.

OMG, are you me? I'm exactly the same way - I can "turn it on" for social occasions but I don't compulsively seek them out and I'm a bit of a loner. We must be in that "social introvert" category in the Myers-Briggs tests. Totally hear you on the "anthropologist" angle, too. It's amazing what you can glean about

That sucks, I can't believe it was so noticeable that you could measure it. I know a lot of people actually enjoy being waitstaff, but when some people seem to expect a submissive posture along with good service when they dine out, it seems. You're probably right that it was half-unconscious, too. Buried attitudes die

Well, the reacharound is, like, his signature move...

I learned how to seem a little more stupid so people would tip me better, believe it or not."


"This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee."