If this guy doesn’t factor in somehow, I’m starting a damn riot:
Thank you. This article was apologist bullshit.
That’s too much tiptoeing around. I’ve found that a simple “Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” works wonders. If that doesn’t get through to the small brain behind the thick skull, asking HR “Dude, what the fuck’s wrong with Anthony?” certainly will.
The best lanesplitting bike I’ve ever had is a BMW opposed twin. Those things are stupid stable at speed and just as narrow as an I-4. A bit heavy, and totally different in character, but you feel invincible no matter what the pavement is doing.
I took a similar oath:
Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:
Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers oppose the Muslim ban. DICK CHENEY and the KOCH BROTHERS think something is reprehensible. I would think that would be enough to make anyone question their life choices.
I think as Americans get older, their hearing deteriorates until they can only hear blondes. Stacey
When you want to sail your fancy yacht someplace far from home, but don’t feel like driving it yourself, you can put…
Well, the oldest city-like structure dates around 9100 BCE -- Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. The earliest that sported confirmed permanent residence is in the same region, from around 7500 BCE, Çatalhöyük.
Yeah - she’s all like “Come at me, birch!”
Second date with my long time girlfriend in my then clapped out E30. The AC didn’t run, had a sneaky issue with the idle control valve, paint was just grey primer, the tint was bubbling, tires balder than your gramps head, yet for some reason she got in that car with me. Drove to a Chinese restaurant and then out to a…
You are entitled to your own biased opinion. I for one will disagree. I have owned many brands, makes, models, classes and styles of motorcycles. Still own a bunch... ALL of them are enjoyable and fun to ride. The Harleys are fun. The BMWs are fun. The sportbikes are fun. The dual-sports are fun. The classic UJMs are…
This is a really good thought; all those physical controls as a check on some sort of droid rebellion! Very good thinking.
Part of what makes the Star Wars series great is all the attention paid to the details of the long, long ago, far…
As much as I liked scramblers when I was a kid in the 70's I just can’t see one for myself however I did like BMW’s gaggle of retro interpretations though, especially this one.