
I, too, have been watching this show for some reason, however I am coming to question just what about the Planet Krypton was worth preserving. The people are all irredeemable asshats, ignorant savages, entitled bowbs or legacy-ridden fanatics. Where is that bright, shiny, SUPERIOR culture that gave birth to Kal El?

Ultra - Violent.
Glossy beautiful colors and curiously bloodless mayhem.

“trial and era” should be “trial and error”
Also, Inhumans was not merely flawed, it was an example of how to take great material and ruin it, not just in the execution, but so fundamentally that the source is, itself, poisoned.
It remains to be seen whether and Eternals program could overcome the poisoning of its well.


His other alias is “Hotblack Desiato”?

Nope. You are certainly not alone.
If there is a growing group of fans disappointed in the Skywalker family’s antics being the core of the Galaxy Long Long Ago and Far Far Away, then there is a larger, older, and more disappointed group of fans who are sick to death of Boba Fett.
This character has been inflated from a

Precisely. Andrea and Andreas are the current iterations’ great-grandparents. Old man glowy-navel (RIP) is Reed’s de-mutanting dad, and Lauren and Andy’s grandfather.

I just had a seizure.

Your forgot that it is “doomfully rain some doom down upon the doomed heads of our doomed enemies!”
And “Doooooo0m!”

Close, but no cigar:

I think he’s referring to the little metal triangles in the top “jaw” above the perferated mesh, and a similar (though hard to see) set of jags in the lower jaw. Not so much fangs as sharp lips.

I thought they might be blood pouches for when Thanos squeezes the eyes out of Hawkeye.
Cause he’s evil, but has a sense of humor. Low puns, but still, he’s trying, innit?

Here in Georgia, there is a practice of naming roads, bridges, overpasses (!!), and buildings after political figures who are still living, FFS.
Imagine being, oh I don’t know, former Bryan County Commission Chair L. Carlton Gill and driving over an eponymous stretch of I-95 every day on the way to town?
The mind

I believe the Heapsters and their odd lingo are a reflection of the forced and awkward hipness of the techno scene that Mike Meyer’s Dieter and Kurt parodies in the skits.

Now playing

Disappointed they don’t have a monkey on a chain.

You and your robot friends, I presume.