
I mean, Akira was shocking, deeper than any animated movie I’d seen before, and well-crafted as a work of art. However, it was also filled with repulsive imagery, alien behaviors and attitudes (what I have come to understand are “Japanese”), and a plot that is an infundibulum of nightmare.
Making a “live

Soooo ...
Space Squid?

The version I liked best (the one with the voice-over ... I know I know) had a specific reference to Rachel’s “incept date” that implied her lifespan was open-ended. Olmo’s “Gaff” character even shouts about it, that Deckard can’t know how long she’ll live “but then again, who does?”

Nice article. One additional problem the putative developers of these devices face is liability when they, you know, fail to work as advertised.

Indeed, it does not bode well. In fact, one might say it bodes poorly, if that were a phrase, and it is suspicious that things either bode well or not well, and no other adverb is ever associated with bode in the vernacular.
But that’s just me.

Not to worry, FILTH:
“Join filmmakers James Cameron and Tim Miller on the Paramount Lot for an exclusive conservation with The Hollywood Reporter’s Matt Belloni about their collaboration on the upcoming Terminator.”

See? They’re not even talking about trying to scrape the rust off the old endoskeleton ... it’s an

Snoke’s eyes are blue ... must be Ezra Bridger.

I wasn’t on that particular flight, but I flew into San Juan a month ago and it was terrifying THEN. There are terrific updrafts and crosswinds affecting the main runway ... probably the scariest landing I have ever experienced, and there was only the normal tropic breeze blowing.
This would be unfathomable.

There is a class of movies that exist solely to give the producers a valid tax write-off for their homes, boats, planes, and (as here) exotic cars. To the IRS: “See, this car was used in the movie, is owned by the production company, and is a legitimate business expense. Can I help it if I am the sole shareholder?”

“Nazis are bad—something that every sensible person already knew”
Then explain POTUS-45, willya huh?

“Have you seen these?”

Cape? I thought she had visible “gas,” given its location and general dimensions.

He has no nose!
How does he smell?

Answer: Terrible.

Seems like a very contentious, and not at all settled, issue.


Plumb dumb.

Led” in most cases is a verb. It is the past tense and past participle of “lead” as a verb when the pronunciation of “lead” rhymes with “bead.” Consider the following examples: Example 6: She led the team to victory last week in the championship game (“led” is a verb in past tense form).”

Three times this week (that

Looks like three of us posted the same video, and for the same reason.
I missed the announcement that it was fictional, and was completely traumatized by it.

Now playing

You left out “Special Bulletin” - a 1983 made-for-TV movie about a terrorist nuke on a tugboat in Charleston Harbor, presented as a TV news program. I tuned in a little late, and, like War of the Worlds, was completely fooled for a while into thinking this was an actual NewsBreak.
Scary stuff. Traumatic, really.