
“The force is strong with my family: my father had it, I have it ... and ... my sister has it.”
~L. Skywalker

Crystal of the Inhumans was supposed to have, like, solid black bars in her hair, no? Or am I remembering wrongly?

Agreed! Hit was in the elbow of his right wing ... disabling, but not deadly.

Yeah, brother.

They are smart, Pakleds. They support Trump. All smart species support Trump, and steal.

Or ST: TNG “The Planet Where Women Rule” episode, where Riker gets to explore his softer side and all the men are bitchy queens ... sheesh.

You had me genuinely laughing at the Mushler Groincat ... thank you!


The only thing I think is off is that the eye patch is raggedy, rather than having smooth edges.

Movie-version Pakleds?

Roughly rouge enough to redden a rogue.

“They want what you have and they’re frustrated that you can’t have it.”
I think what you meant to say was “... and they’re frustrated that THEY can’t have it.”
As written, it makes no sense, and spoils an otherwise clever conceit.
THIS (and other minor flubs that have crept online on this site recently) are why God

I think you meant “pulling all the stops” as in getting the organ to make the most noise.
“Pulling all the punches” is, basically, faking it. A pulled punch is stage punch, “pulled” at the last moment to avoid injury. So if one were “pulling all the punches,” one would be putting the least effort into the task in

Neither was TOS.

Fire, kill it with.

Bester was a bastard.
That was an amazing show, though.

In other hands (Number One, I think), also from TOS pilot The Cage.

Variable gravity or denser bones or a bunch of crippled T.rex littering the antediluvian plains.
Pick one, or revise the math.

Right at the end, he leans in and whispers “Swap you” in Macron’s ear.