
Yeah, rapid aging appears to be rife in the Star Wars universe ...
Obi-Wan takes the infant Luke to Tatooine when he’s what, 34 (Ewan McGregor’s age in Revenge of the Sith)?
And 17 years later he’s a 63-year-old Sir Alec Guinness.

Saw has both legs and breaths normally in Rebels and a couple of years later (in

Scott of the Sahara?
Great film. Loved the giant electric penguine with the tentacles that go “whoosh!”

He never claimed to be intelligent.
He said he was smart. You know, like Fredo-smart, not like everybody says.

She’s wearing clothes! Dis. Gusting!


I think you are spot on with the doll-house proportions. Think there might be a stop-motion short coming that uses these “sets”?

Thank you.

Can’t tell them apart.

Bruce Willis’ musical thief romp, “Hudson Hawk.”

How many Bothan architects died to achieve this?

Why do the two techs have the names of cartoon cats?
Felix t. Cat and Sylvester t. Cat
Is this a tell that they are hosts? I mean, their behavior has always been odd, but I chalked it up to bad acting.

Guess the bear decided the dog was ripe.

Checked youtube: Hal 9000's “eye” is a steady red; it does not flicker or pulse. It is, perhaps, creepier for its impassivity.

It served the same function as a crumple zone in modern cars ... the crest would collapse and provide some additional protection. They were probably simply ornamental to start (like the Greek bronze-age helmet with the horsehair crest), but the functionality led armor-builders to copy the form in metal.

A 9.25 pound turd? The mind boggles.

Bonk-bonk on the head, grup CBS.

I thought Bumblebee was a VW Bug?

Why don’t we use thermite ... SOP, right?