
Interesting article, Esther, as always.
Leads one to speculate about ETOs, though. Suppose even slightly different gravitation on an exoplanet, and the result might be significantly larger fauna in general.
In science fiction, generally we run into alien life forms that are of more or less the same size as we are.

Me too!

2.) Edgley Optica

Seems right to me. Perhaps that cube juggling she was doing was magnetic?

Oh FFS, consider yourself lucky that you didn't recognize it. This show has all the special effects magic of the 1990s coupled with the voice-acting skills of 1960s kung fu movies, with a dash of Eurobooby added in to attract 12-year-old boys.
What utter crap.
And the magazine was good, once upon a time.

How do you upscale "meat"?
When your signature component is "carne asada" or "cooked 'meat' product"?

Lots of weirdos, all right, and not surprisingly that so many cluster around New Zealand and Australia, but you left out one of my favorites: the Anhinga.

You are correct. I meant a 56 Baud.

It was 1991 and I had an IBM XT clone with a 56K Baud dial-up modem and an amber monochrome monitor. (Beedoo-beedoo, brzzzzzzzz!).

Sometimes, looks can be deceiving.
Not here, though.

Until we know if it has a large moon, or several smaller moons, it is more likely to be another Venus.

I was always partial to these ... prefab fiberglass saucers (available in a variety of sizes) that were delivered on-site by cargo helicopter. Too cool. I think they were advertised in the Whole Earth Catalog.

Bolo babies!

My point precisely. The only thing being civilized and technologically advanced is doing is allowing our infirm to be successful organisms. We are no longer selecting for much of anything, other than fertility. Intelligence? Nope. Economic productivity? Nope. Longevity? Nope nope. Physical strength? Nope. Sensorial

The key factor in the action of natural selection in altering the genetic makeup of an organism (including us) is the "selection" part. Behaviors that bring traits that enhance survivability past breeding age are "preferred" in the succeeding generations.

If the Eagles can fly to Mount Doom, and Gandalf can talk to (and apparently ask favors of) the Eagles, why does he risk the fate of Middle Earth on the ability of two barefoot midgets to destroy the One Ring?

Thank you for the insult. As a mildly sociopathic and unnecessarily cruel individual, I shall engrave your opinion, identity and possible residence on the skins of small animals.

Ignorant or just snarky?
Charlie was paraphrasing Gertrude Stein, who observed of her childhood home of Oakland, CA, that "there is no there there." By which she intended (for her audience of more literate individuals than evidently frequent this blog) to indicate a lack of fundamental substance in the place.
So no, not

So ...