

This is the Flashman method. Harry Flashman, hero of the eponymous comedy/adventure series by George McDonald Frasier, swore that the only way to learn a new language (as he frequently did) was to find a willing partner and climb into bed for a few days.

Obviously. Plus, Storm generates at least 1.21 jiggawatts every time the Feral Kid grins inappropriately.

Must be. A whole new Road to Warrior on, I guess.

Neato set and production design, but you know, Max was a cop before the Road Wars, and is a pretty old guy in Thunderdome. Those mutants look to be adults, so exactly when and how did they get born, grow up into their beauteous selves, and develop all that obviously tribal culture?

Re: Eddie Izzard and the Mockingbird Lane reboot:

Nice turn of the expression with "beyond the pall" to mean "beyond the funeral [death]".

This one, with the worling ejector seat, pop out machine guns, bullet shield trunk plate, revolving license plates ... amazing toy.

I, I think something moved.

Just hilarious.

Thank God the Veep is a supernumerary and the best are seldom seen or heard.

Yeah, nice idea, though the FCC might have had some objections to that.

Didn't work for me, either, although the persistance of vision caused the flashing box to remain for a few fractions of second after it had "faded" off the screen, causing it to remain in view even after the alignment with the moving box had been lost.

I feel compelled to point out that the Motherfucker's mom is/was/will always be Witchblade, so it's all good, ain't it?

Read Cordwainer Smith's "Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons" for an explanation of weaponizing felines.

The poor prey mostly on the poor, doncha know?

Egg-sactly! Egg-scrutiating egg-oists abound in the Batverse.

Cheese, Grommit?

And physics is immutable, the compendium of all possibility? I did not know that.