
When is the peace happening? All I see are pixellated air rats.

On the other hand, Ms. Biel's Huge Hints are featured, we are assured, and from the lede photo, it would appear that her following is coming along for the ride.


Wow, think he can top his brilliant portrayal of Destro?

I especially want to see more of her huge hints.

I just wish they had invented pockets in the superior culture of Kryptun (to use Marlon Brando's pronunciation). No belt, not pockets ... where does Superman keep his stuff?

Very true.

Unintentional doublepost. Apologies, and I hate the new comment system as a commenter. For reading threads, it is not too bad, but it is so clunky to use it borders on being a roadblock.

Cordwainer Smith?

I'm just looking forward to Bilbo with dirty fingers.

I understood that, but it was still a huge mistake. YMMV.

The dark stuff?

Agreed. I am still puzzled by what the National Health Care system has to do with, you know, the effing OLYMPICS???!!!!

This is la movie where a large percentage of the individuals I despise and detest in the movie industry crowded together in an unhygienic locker room one evening and said, "Let's make a move so unbelievably awful it will destroy the minds of anyone forced to sit through it."

Precisely. Snarking "noob" at your opponents is of no help whatever.

Actually, every time we ever saw a representative of the Federation or Star Fleet, (either as an Ambassador or Commodore), they were INVARIABLY asshats of the first pressing; Extra Virgin Ass Hattery, if you will.

I presume you mean that you "couldn't care less", nein?

"The Original Series takes place in a future with no A.I. at all"

Loved that one. Also, dry-cleaner bags, stretched and knotted and hung from a wire hanger then lit from the bottom, make the most amazing "zoop zzzzzoooop, zoop-zoop" noise as the droplets of flaming plastic fall to the ground. Do NOT try that one indoors.