Very good! You beat me to it. I think a cloud of nanites with an apetite for chitin would be a good solution, and one that the bugs probably could not adapt to.
Very good! You beat me to it. I think a cloud of nanites with an apetite for chitin would be a good solution, and one that the bugs probably could not adapt to.
Need a t-shirt that reads "DISNEY WAS RIGHT!"
And give them drugs so they are happy with their menial existence. We could call it, I dunno ... SOMA, and give it catchy slogans like, "A dram is better than a damn!"
Amazing how many of these "people and companies pushing humanity forward" are dead.
Great article. I would add the rule that, if there is a part of the character that is known outside the genre (like the APPEARANCE of the character, Mr. Reynolds), then it is very unwise to retcon the basic design of the character, setting, or what have you.
Have to wonder about the designers who came up with that one ... "let's design a helmet that makes our Judges crosseyed."
I find this works pretty well.
"For six years, I've been a woman in the magical land of video game PR."
0f c0ur53.
They should not be playing Call of Duty (1,2 OR 3) when they should be debugging code.
There's a typo in the first 20 seconds of the video ... "500,000 L1nes of Cod3."
Seems ringed gas giants are more the rule than the exception, although Saturn does have an extraordinarily wonderful set of rings.
I think you meant a different word than "ridiculous" ... perhaps "iconic" or "unusual" or even "unique", but most of these are genuine cool vehicles (with the exception of Elton John's golf cart which is -as you noted- not even a car). The others are the products of their times.
I am certain "haz bendified" is the correct usage.
The only part that was a buzzkill for me was having Armand as Stallone's "clone" ... WTF?
A dram is better than a damn.
2040? Bruce Willis will be mighty long-in-the-tooth by that time.