
Fathering a 10-year-old boy? The delivery must have been very painful. Most people father infants who may live to become 10-year-olds.

"When you re-analyze it, maybe it should stay as a book. I don't know." ~ Ridley Scott on Brave New World

I thought he got cashiered as a result of the Pegasus incident, but he is looking a little worse for wear.

Re: 666 Park Avenue photo

I personally got a charge out of the HUlk's line, "Puny god." after ragdolling Loki.

The whole point of the story is "Who cares?"

You left out the brain-eating fungus that takes over its (usually small insect) victims and makes them find a likely spot to sit and die until the fungus decides to erupt from its victim's braincase and find another likely host.

I did know that. I was just making a small (microscopic miniscule itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny wee) joke about the similarity of the names and the fact that Iocane was odorless, colorless and tasteless.

And yet in the 20th and now 21st centuries, stem-powered catapults fling all manner of heavy objects, including ship-based aereoplanes into the air.

For just a second I thought we had a game based on the 'Verse, but no, just a bug.

This is how I administer ionone powder ... let the game begin!

Naw, they just never came forwards at all, at all.

Not all 'Mericans. My folks made sure I got the Grimm and nothing but the Grimm. Ditto Hans Christian Pervoson and his tortured children. Helped me grow into the fine individual I am today.

And straight on til morning.

Very good. Regarding the intellectual oceans ... I can see bottom!

So the premise of "Arrow" is there's this rich guy with a bow? What about the whole "... who also fights super-powered enemies" rest of that sentence?

Enemy Below predated Balance of Terror by a decade.

Beat me to it ... it is a virtual recapitulation of "Enemy Below" with Robert Mitchum in the Kirk role. Even has a snarky doctor.

Should this not have been edited to put it in past tense? I mean, 3 a.m. EDT was about 12 hours ago, as I write this. Good to realize that we are still alive and all, but "will give the Earth a close shave" sounds a little misleading.

What kind of grinding noise does this make? I have a suspicion it would sound like having a cement mixer in your living room ... hardly restful. Also, the power usage would probably be prohibitive: "look man, I hydropocally grew this tomato for only $75.35 in extra kilowatts!"