Okay, so they predicted the Bradley, Puff the Magic Dragon, hoverlanding vehicles and Apache attack helicopters ... not too shabby, even if their design ethic was a little to reliant on plastic.
Okay, so they predicted the Bradley, Puff the Magic Dragon, hoverlanding vehicles and Apache attack helicopters ... not too shabby, even if their design ethic was a little to reliant on plastic.
Please, revisionism is uncalled for! This critter deserves a place among other oxymoronic nomenclature like Jumbo Shrimp or Honest Politician. Let us maintain and revere the MiniMammoth for the contradiction that it was.
Perfectly accurate in the depiction of a man punching himself in the face, but hardly sensible. Also, the spittle is going in the wrong direction. Sweat flies off in the direction of the punch, spittle is stationary while the face is displaced and appears to fly against the direction of the impact.
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea ...
Thew physics in Punched are wrong, and because he is miming the punch himself, it is the wrong hand for a punch to the right side of the recipient's face. Interesting use of the tools, but not very accurate illustration of a face being punched.
Yes and no.
Admittedly, yes, but it's a shit-tonne of a substance of which comets are made, and which is found (IIRC) in abundance in the rings of Saturn. Diverting a large mass of ice to impact Mars would be beyond our current abilities, but not beyond the realm of possibility.
11 persons on a staircase: 3 females, 6 males, and 2 Heads-or-Tails?
On the plus size, the idea of adding enough water to Mars to teraform it just got a whole lot more do-able.
I have been referring to honey as "bee barf" for decades. Glad you have finally caught up.
Ditto that.
This is within 15 miles of my home in Thunderbolt, GA, so I would like to make a small correction ... there have been no hurricanes to "hit the area" in over a century. This aint Charleston, son. Savannah has been spared by disaster since that damn Yankee, Sherman was handed the city as a Christmas Gift for Abe…
So it's good then?
And he peppered his vodka, a habit he picked up during the war when so much vodka was contaminated with fusel oil (a toxic byproduct of potato fermentation that gives a quick and sometimes blinding headache).
They call him Flipper, Flipper
The physics on those cgi monocycles is terrible (are terrible?).
Looks to me as if the Lizard's victim is turning into Gary Sinise.
I need a band-aid.
You are a fast reader, then.
Nibbles removed an extra space that would have accentuated the close quotes, but eh ...