Oh, I think the costume is okay as an update to the GI Joe costume, but the helmet is pure idiocy ... what were they thinking?
Oh, I think the costume is okay as an update to the GI Joe costume, but the helmet is pure idiocy ... what were they thinking?
The Twilight/Edward is a bicep. Rufio is a leg ... could be acalf, actually.
the fact that one's a bicep and the other's a thigh might have been a tell.
And good on you, you curmudgeonly soul. Be opposed, it's the primate thing to do.
I wish they had gone with the Bizarro from the clip. That was, at least, humorous.
I am proud that he saw fit to delete #4. That only works in the absence of Tyrants, which is a place that hasn't been discovered yet.
Tali and my male Shep did the dirty in ME2. Complicated, and I never got to see her face after we took her mask off, but yep, it happened.
Yeah, Kelly's the best. Come up to the Aerie for some sexytime dancing, Counselor.
So, I am kind of confused ... is that an animatronic puppet or an actual human, because I am getting a serious "uncanny valley" vibe from her, her gums, her choppers, and her ear-to-ear mouth.
Of course, but "The Mandarin" of Iron Man's rogue's gallery, is a caractature of that, and has been depicted in comics with all the subtlety of Fu Manchu, Charlie Chan, and Mr. Moto, which is to say, "no subtlety at all, at all."
So I giuess this means, "No Mandarin."
I live in Savannah, GA, and there is a market here where the slaves "fresh from Africa" were auctioned off, back in the bad old days. Says so right in the brochures, which of course are the truthiness and nothing but the truthiness.
Interesting, especially since it evidently completely ignores the slave traffic between Africa and the American South.
Well said.
"Bruce Wayne's evolving taste in bathrobes."
Not to be a complete geek (okay, maybe that's a bit of barn-door locking), but Vulcans do not LACK emotions, they just CONTROL emotions. So there would never be a situation, as posited, where a Vulcan would not recognize emotions in others; they would, indeed find them curious and atavistic, and perhaps a little…
Herman Munster is dead.
I totally agree. Having seen most of these shows in their original runs, I can attest that these last-season tweaks were invariably terrible, with the exception of Enterprise, which actually had some excellent writing and plots in its final season.
Wow, so we get to see Iron Man kick the snot out of Gandhi? Cool.
TANJ, you're right!