
Will thee kiss me in the dark, Baby?

"What causes it: Most spark plugs in cars from before 1996 should be replaced every 25,000-30,000 miles. Newer ones can last up to 100,000 miles. Still, plugs fail over time and there's not much you can do about it.

No, that's the ruler from Third Rock from the Sun ... BGH.

Jenny Agutter is in Avengers?

I did too, and the reaction in my audience was a resounding, "meh" ...

this is why some cats grow up to poop in your shoes.

Oh. Never mind then.

"Uttery" - carrying something to the uttmost degree - I LEARNED A NEW WORD!

Just to prove I actually watched 1-3 ... there is a silver whip in One.

Many of these "heroes" would, by the merest infusion or deletion into their noms-de-guerre of a single, otherwise innocuous letter, become (dun dun dahh!)

"A typical Roman might drink a liter of wine in a day, and, in doing so, intup to 20 mg of lead in the process."

Darn, I thought they were coming to watch our armageddon. None of the ETs give a poop what happens to us, I guess.

Re: Amazing Spider[insert hyphen for some reason]man:


Ah, Teacher Master Sensei Sifu is pleased.

So to be a new species, one must simply be "genetically diverse" from identified species? Shoot, low-balling is too mild a term for this ... by that definitition practically every individual constitutes a new species.

I'll give'em a buck for the parrot.

I am impressed that so many of us can correctly spell "Cyttorak".

You left off "neener neener neener!"

Is that "Master Sensei Sifu"?