
Seeing these (and they are nice) reminds me ... what was that spy droid saying on Hoth before Chewie blew it to flinders? Sounded like "passmetheketchup, passmetheketchup." But I could be wrong.

Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser stories ... Mouser's "patron" was the wizard/witch Sheilba of the Eyeless Face ... pretty creepy.

Yeah, regulate COD and Rainbow 6 because someone is dropping the hammer on a numerical algorithm, but allow pirates to murder and pillage on the high seas with impugnity. Sheesh.

When I read the blurb

By no means. It is an exoskeletal ... bite off a leg or two and it will die. Then you can chew threw it's "armor" at your leisure. Yum.

Introduce rats or cats and they'll be extinct in 20 years.

Major Matt Mason ... my dad bought me one just before we moved to Detroit. Didn't survive the trip ... the figure was "poseable" because of an imbedded wire that snapped after a few repositionings.

Being born in 1959, I had one of these. the spring lasted for about about a week. The "bombs" were just stick-in caps (more snap than bang) and the pen never worked worth a dang.

Here's how I see it, sorta.

Plus the money confiscated from drug mules on the interstate ... I don't think the counties in my neck of the woods that have an Interstate running through have paid for any cars through the tax digest in decades.

Absolutely! I mean, who wouldn't want to see the Ewok ace flying a Y-wing as "Mauve 3"? Follow that up with the all JarJar chorus replacing the Williams score (Meesah Be Singin Now) for New Hope, and the Hexology will be perfect, as Lucas envisioned it all at once one morning as he was eating his Wheaties and blue

But then how would the Ewoks have defeated the Empire?

You are great, indeed, sir. But should not the INTENT for the craft to traverse interstellar (intersolar?) space make them stellar panels? Inquiring minds want to know.

The Best Buy deal was expired. Humbug.

However, Charlie Jane, Googolbyte is being pedantic in his objection (correctly described above, IMO), in that we may refer to any star as a sun, and the radiation of any star as "solar radiation" ... unless one were to insist that all solar panels on spacecraft be called "stellar panels" or some such nonsense.

Ah, I see my "facetious" tag fell off. Gotta use better interstickum next time.

reading between the lines of Taylor Kitsch's interview:

Great article (though you should not rely so heavily on spell-check for editing).

"This is significant because C. elegans has long been a model for human biology ... [they] are hermaphroditic and often fertilize themselves."

Now playing

Thanks for the nod ... but actually it was the Bolero segment of Allegro Non Troppo ...