Bravo. Well put.
Bravo. Well put.
Bravo. Well written and well conceived, CJ.
Coined 60 years ago in the British Army (surely the source of some colorful language, the wankers), but not added to even the shoddy Webster's until 2007 when an Intertubes poll indicated it to be a favorite of dummies everywhere. That is a lineage of which to be proud, sez I. Proud? Nay, exhilarated; smug, even.
Schtupping Monah, probably, while Friday does a one-handed clap.
There are, to be frank, many words in Mirriam-Webster that are execrable and unworthy of note. In point of fact, that particular book is a hodgepodge of colloquialisms and slang that would cause any right-thinking logophile.
Wow. I find that the use of the idiotism "ginormous" is akin to wearing a propeller beanie and suspendered knickers ... kinda puts a hurtin' on the ole "credibility" thing, ya know?
Is it like, an initiation rite for the Sith to have your hair burned off and your lungs ripped out? Seems like a bit extreme to me.
Fritz Leiber already covered #1 about half a century ago with his concept "Conservation of Reality," where time is like a river: you can throw a rock into it, and it will make a local splash and some ripples, but a couple of yards (that's right, YARDS, not Metres or whatever newfangled system y'all are trying to foist…
Ah yes, the Spacebootie to the Ridged Forehead attack. A classic.
Agreed. I was being facetious.
Doc Savage, huh? YARM.
Oh, I was not so certain, only fairly certain, if you will observe the text above. So your assertion that my nativity was simultaneous with the death of some unknown individual somewhere would be within the set of possible results I described. Though such would be a remarkable coincidence, all-in-all. There are…
One fewer than after I was born, of that I am fairly certain.
You did! But it was only one segment of a new episode. You are probably correct about the
"as it would have likely made for a killer boarder patrol ride."
Agreed, completely. Heck, this even sports a Harley motor!
I know you guys don't do requests, but still ... any word on the John Carter [perhaps of Mars] movie?