
One summer in the early Ought-70s, whilst bored out of out pre-adolescent brains at a cabin in Maine, we discovered this trick and even developed a kind of game with little foil targets to attempt to knock over with our rockets. Good times.

Only if they fly the redeye in the off season.

Yeah, and monkeys with roses in their teeth might flight out of my ass.

The Morgan trike.

No gas bag? What is it, anti-gravity? And if they have antigravity, have they not discovered rust-free materials yet?


Coming soon to a bar near you: Buffalo Heads, the perfect snack when you're tired of wings.

Well done, Thidrekr ... 59.4 is the mean distance of the constellation Corvi (latin for Crow).

Interestingly, they have duplicated a scene from the original "The Thing" movie (the James Arness, 1951).

I think they turn into bats at the full moon. Furry bats with dog tails. And they howl a lot.

facing what?

Well, to be fair, almost all of Star Trek: TOS were "stand-alone" one-off episodes, and that was the series' great strength and its secret for immortality. Episodic series, which must be experienced in a linear fashion to make any sense at all, are doomed to die the death of writer's block, because eventually, the

"An intelligent carrot! The mind boggles!" says the journalist/narrator.

Mark Neveldine: It was like, "Interesting. Very creative, boys."

Truck: Beautiful

All I can hear is Jacques Yves Cousteau intoning, "Octopus, octopus, gentle mother."

Fly Eye

Brilliant. Thank you.

Well, that's absolutely true, provided my "betcha" is korreck, but it may not be.

thanks all for the input. I appreciate both your obtuseness (yes, Iveychanter, I AM a fan of Little Nemo), and your resolute refusal to acknowledge just how obscure this character is to the American movie-going public. Sure, it will do well in Belgium (thanks, Tripper) and possibly in the UK (where they will swallow