I saw it too and left the theater ... um ... satisfied. Not "knock my socks off" amazed, but intrigued and I hope they get a chance to build on this.
I saw it too and left the theater ... um ... satisfied. Not "knock my socks off" amazed, but intrigued and I hope they get a chance to build on this.
You know, since Smallville went off the air, I have kind of missed the old "Is that still on?" schtick. Maybe it's just the little troll I have in my head.
My thoughts (and those of DARPA) precisely. Now just make it go "pew pew" and we're set to jet.
Interesting notion. However, in human beings, other factors than mere survival can affect the gene pool. Suppose (using your example) that "style" dictates attached earlobes are grotesque? Lobeless persons are unable to find mates outside their own kind, leading to speciation over time. Could be a factor in the…
Now that gives me some sour balls, it does.
Yeah, I wanted to have my brain washed out with chlorox after reading that. The first book was not too bad, but after that, it quickly slid into "way too gross" even for me.
Actually, the nine realms speach in Thor was a pretty good interpretation of one era of the old Norse religion/mythology. As an oral tradition that accreted myths from many lands and cultures, the stories of Aesir, Vanir, Ragnarok and Yggdrassil and all that stuff went through a lot of variates (for instance, in…
I see you missed Anne Rice's Lasher Series (heroine gives birth to fast-maturing vampire stud who rapes her immediately).
Don't worry, there's nothing "small" about cicadas ... the larval stage are an inche and a half long, and the adults are two inches of red-eyed shrieking terror. Fortunately, cats and dogs and birds love them.
Correcto. Typographical error. Gracias por todo.
Well, he did murder the little Russian boy and hang his body from a scaffold just to draw the hero out for the final duel. Perhaps I am over-reacting.
Image fail on editing. Sheesh. I had this really clever bit with Enemy at the Gates and History of Violence and all. But the point is that Ed is a pretty good villain, as well as wonderful homespun hero. Great actor, all in all.
Or when he's you know, NOT.
I buy all of the examples except elephants. While I might believe infanticide among elephants, cannibalism would involve a complete change in diet, unless you are finally revealing in an offhand way the existence of carnivorous elephants!
Saw a trailer for "Real Steel" over the weekend ... Rock'em Sock'em Wolverine would be a better title.
Heck, I live in Savannah and I can confirm that most of the cats around here are bipedal, except after St. Patrick's day when they become temporarily quadipedal. Still, a bunch of really cool cats, dig?
Can you say, "Andromeda Strain"?