
I feel like the morning after a Presidential election ...

I miss the phaser whips, I do.

I agree completely.

You must be correct. I think this is just some entomologist made some interesting discoveries about lice diversity public, and the story has gone way beyond the "hmm, that's interesting" response it warranted.

So it turns out laying on your ass all day eating locusts in honey and grapes pealed by servants can cause you to have heart problems ... who would suspect it?

I prefer "Throatwarbler Mangrove's chosen substance", which is pronounced "Dave's Wine and Cheese Bar", if you please.

Must be better than the crap I smoked in college.

That's "Skydaddy's chosen substance." If you are going to refer to imaginary omnipotent beings, make them as silly as possible.

Always bugged me that they could "fall" in space. But heck, it was a toon, so I cutted them some slackishness.

@Charlie Jane Anders:

Is that supposed to be her "tough face"?

Paul Giamatti as the Rhino? That would be great! That would be awesome! And Paul Rubens as Electro! Then Paul Rodrigiuez as the Chameleon (so you wouldn't have to pay him as much for face-time)! Then Paul Rudd as Mysterio (so he could have a fishbowl on his head for the whole film)! Then RuPaul as the Vulture

Looks like it's tracking that pesky animatronic mosquito the CIA developed.

Of course, if he's all dead, there's only one thing you can do ...

Hey, it's comic bookland ... perhaps he's only "mostly dead" and as we all know, "mostly dead" is "partly alive."

Perfecto for porn, thinks I!

I love the puppet design, but adhering strictly to the minimalistic "comic strip" backgrounds severely limits this to a Punch&Judy level of amusement ... I bet if Henson had done a "Land of Scorch" level of world-building for Id, he could have had a[nother] hit on his hand. But then we might never have met the Muppet

Jacoba? Isn't that the swamp planet where Yoda lives?

I dunno about the fapitude, but that has to be the most unfortunate name for a lovely woman ever. Sounds like a particularly unappetizing species of fish.

Bibo! You're back! I missed you, my little shutter-eyed clockwork piece of a comic relief.